Message to George Lucas:

Stop with the “improvements”.

Do you know WHY those movies were so successful?? Do you even care? The ORIGINAL versions, the ones we all saw in the movie theatres, are FINE. They ARE the successful films.

We love them.

And please: Han shoots first. With no warning. That is what you filmed. That sets up the character. Sorry. LIVE WITH IT.

Bill weighs in.

So does Michele. Make sure you read the comments – she has a “poem contest” going – where people get to rail at George Lucas, but only in verse.

My favorite, so far, is this one – sent in by one of her commenters:

There once was a bastard named Lucas
Whose head was rammed firm up his tuckus.
But what’s really worse –
That Greedo shoots first,
Or that George doesn’t CARE if it suckus?

Here’s another gem in the comments, but all of them are funny:

Gather round my children, and I’ll spin a tale,
Of Star Wars, and Lucas and the prequels that fail.

Star Wars gave us Chewie, and Han and Artoo
And a gay robot, Threepio, which was something quite new.

It was a grand great adventure, that first trilogy,
And it made Lucas money, a large chunk from me.

Then Lucas got greedy, as is often the case,
He remade the damn movies, and did so with straight face.

The new “extra” scenes, they all competed for worst,
Then there was Greedo, shooting at Han fucking first.

You’d think it impossible, to outdumb the Ewoks,
But then Lucas made Jar Jar, and I hurt when he talks.

One film remains, and I kind of hope that it tanks,
But that won’t stop Lucus, from doing fucking remakes.

Dan responds to the “sanitization” of Han Solo.

I don’t want my Han Solo sanitized. I don’t want his actions to reflect clearly good intentions. Why Han Solo was so amazing, why we all loved him so much – was that he was the most human of the bunch. He was tough, he wasn’t all lit up with ideology – he was a hired hand. He didn’t give a crap.

Uhm – George – have you noticed how enormous a star Harrison Ford has been for the last 28 years?? Uh – that’s because of the original UN-IMPROVED version of Han Solo. Okay?

George Lucas is an idiot.

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57 Responses to Message to George Lucas:

  1. Emily says:

    You know what I hate even more? Is Lucas claiming that his “improvements” are about “good filmmaking”, and that what fans think shouldn’t matter. I can totally appreciate the self-expression and individuality of the artist, and the importance of being true to their own vision, but any director who doesn’t have their audience in mind – especially the audience of something as beloved as Star Wars – is a self-important, egomaniacal asswipe.

    Thanks for blowing one of the happiest parts of my childhood, @#$%head Lucas.

  2. red says:

    What George Lucas has failed to realize is that Star Wars does not belong to him.

    Any movie that is that huge a phenomenon ceases being the vision of one man.

    Star Wars belongs to everybody.

  3. Ron says:

    It’s bad…no doubt about it. But its hardly the worst change in a ‘rerelease’. Lets not forget that now in E.T. the agents chasing E.T. down don’t carry guns, but only walkie-talkies. Can you see it now? “Stop…or I’ll radio my other buddies who can’t shoot you either”

  4. Dave J says:

    Just reminds me of the line from the otherwise eminently forgettable sequel to Gremlins: “Casablanca, now in color…and with a happier ending.”

  5. red says:

    Dave J – HA!!

    Not sure if this is a true story but I heard that Orson Welles, on his death bed, said … “Rosebud!!” (no, just kidding) The story goes that Welles said, “You make sure that Ted Turner keeps his goddamn Crayolas off my movies.”

  6. Bill McCabe says:

    What the prequel trilogy lacks most of all is a Han Solo type character, I think far more people identified with Solo than with Kenobi or Skywalker.

    I can live with all the other “improvements”, but Greedo shooting first is @#^!ing unacceptable. More than any other moment, including the “better her than me!” line, it defined the character.

  7. red says:

    Nobody likes a goody-two-shoes. Or maybe Ralph Reed does.

    But the majority of people like characters with some ambiguity.

    Why else would Stanley Kowalski be such an attractive character to people, even though his behavior, at times, is pretty awful?

    We can relate to characters like Han Solo because none of us is good ALL the time, thank the good Lord.

  8. Emily says:

    “Why else would Stanley Kowalski be such an attractive character to people, even though his behavior, at times, is pretty awful?”

    Because Marlon Brando was really, really hot in the movie version (the only one I’ve seen).

  9. red says:

    As was Han Solo.

    (Hot, I mean.)

    It’s that whole bad-boy thing. Han Solo has to shoot first. Cause it’s HOT.

    Uh … what am I, 12?

  10. Ken Hall says:

    You mean, “Don’t even try, George! Don’t even TRY!”?

    I liked the old Han better too, although I must admit I identified more with Luke. I have always been a Boy Scout at heart…if not much of one.

  11. Dave J says:

    You thought it was hot; I thought it was cool: he was a badass, so women wanted Han and guys wanted to be him. And Greedo shooting first is something I just refuse to accept, as it turns a singularly definitive moment on its head. Han’s not evil, of course, but he’s not particularly moral either and constantly operates WAY outside the law.

  12. red says:

    Ken –


    Very good one. Very good. Yes, I mean: DON’T EVEN TRY, GEORGE!!

    I liked Luke much better in Empire Strikes Back when he got all gnarly Zen Master in the jungle with Yoda. I related to him more then.

  13. red says:

    Dave J-

    Exactly. You need Han to have that on-the-fringe mentality. It balances the whole film. That is the POINT of the character.

  14. Bill McCabe says:

    Of course he’s operating outside the law, look at who the law is out there. Gangsters or tyrants.

    Another part of Han’s appeal is the absolute freedom he enjoys. He has his own ship, he goes where he pleases. He hangs out with Chewbacca and has friends like the smooooth Lando Calrissian. He seduces stuck-up Princesses with barely the slightest effort.

    Who am I supposed to identify with now? A petulant, whiny brat with tendencies towards creepy stalkerness? Sure, he gets Amidala, but her personality is about as deep as a puddle. She’s empirically better looking than Leia, but Leia is much more desirable.

  15. Aaron Pohle says:

    The other part about that “improved” scene was that it also made Han weaker. In the original he survived the encounter because of his attitude and ability, in the new version he survived because he was either lucky or Greedo was incompetent (missing a shot at that range). The PC version of Han Solo would never have survived the life that Han Solo had.

    It makes me think. How much does the push to be “more correct” also push us men today to be that much weaker, less interesting, and less appealing? Ah, the unintended consequences.

  16. Dan says:

    There is NO ONE to identify with in the prequels. No one – even Jedi like Liam Neelson or Ewan MacGregor. Sure, they have mystic powers (although Lucas has manged to ruin the force as well with that horrid lame-ass pseudo-racial theory about blood) – but are they any fun. Take Obi-wan out for beeer and he’d probably be all using the force to hide your ‘deathsticks.’ Lame-o.

  17. red says:

    Yeah, the whole “force is in your blood” thing made my own blood run cold.

    Lucas missed his OWN point!!

  18. Dan says:

    My word. I became so overwrought my spelling and grammar flew out the window. Quiet time for me now, I think.

  19. red says:


    I like your way of thinking.

    Damn, people, if all of this is so obvious to us … why can’t Lucas see it?

  20. red says:

    Dan –

    I’d like it if you would take me out for a “beeer”.

    I am so overwrought myself that I barely noticed your grammar problems.

  21. Dan says:

    ‘Beeer’ is just shorthand for ‘I’m having more than one’ or ‘I’m backing up that cold one with a Powers.’

    It’s obvious in retrospect.

  22. Bill McCabe says:

    “Deathsticks”…I guess that passes for subtle social commentary in Lucasland.

  23. red says:

    I couldn’t stand that deathsticks, thing. I couldn’t stand the “kiss my grits” robot waitress … it was too familiar, too – 70s pop-culture. What the hell is a 1950s diner doing in a galaxy far far away?

    Very disappointing.

    However – I will maintain my transcendent memories of seeing those first movies (well – except for the Ewok debacle). They were magic.

    George Lucas cannot take that away from us!!

    I think I need a beeer.

  24. Bill McCabe says:

    Beeers all around, we’re drink to the Original Trilogy and lament the fact that no one has told George Lucas “no!” since 1983.

  25. Star Wars

    Today’s essential reading: Sheila’s message to George Lucas…

  26. Dave J says:

    One thing that occurs to me: everyone worth paying any attention to recognizes that ESB was best of the original three (see the conversation on this point in Clerks). It wasn’t directed by Lucas! Sure, the story was his, but the best of Star Wars came out of him opening up his loosely-framed vision for others to play with the details, and this seemed to cut exactly the opposite way with the prequels, over which he exerted absolute and jealous authority.

  27. Dan says:

    Bill – indeed. I guess he confused ‘escapism through film’ with ‘op ed page.’

  28. red says:


    Empire Strikes Back is the best of the trilogy – and that’s because Lucas had to let go of it.

    I still can’t believe he look at that film, himself, after all this time, and recognize that.

    The blinders are permanent.

  29. red says:

    Dan –

    Oops – see how discombobbled I am now, by the wording of last comment?


    “I can’t believe he can look at that film (Empire Strikes Back), himself, after all this time, and NOT recognize that.”


  30. Emily says:

    You know, Sheila, I was just thinking how very Che/Fidel you sounded with that “Star Wars belongs to all of us” comment. Perhaps we should all collectivize and overthrow the evil Lucasfilm Ltd. regime and re-distribute the script rights to the People™ to decide the fate of the DVD?

    Yes, yes…a committee!

  31. red says:

    Emily –

    This is a very good idea.

    There should be a takeover by the fans.

  32. Dan says:

    Excellent. The Rebel Base Brigade, Hoth Division. Commandante Emily aka ‘Che-bacca’. Spec Ops Coordinator Sheila ‘Red Five’ O’Malley.
    Our motto is beeer, geekery and the lash.

    Death to the tyrant Lucas! Viva la revolucion!

    Or something like that.

  33. Bill McCabe says:

    Will it be complete with fan tribunals to try those accused of crimes against fandom?

    A generation of geeks wearing t-shirts with a simple black portrait of Sheila?

    Some Cuban deathsticks would go good with the beeers.

  34. Emily says:

    Bill – don’t forget stylish berets. No revolution is complete without them.

  35. Dave J says:

    There will be a takover by the fans shortly after the committee votes itself free beeer. ;-)

  36. red says:

    We need to write some kind of pamphlet and pass it around in the dead of night.

    Maybe we could just put together all of our posts on this topic … and call it …

    “Das Lucas”

    or something

  37. Bill McCabe says:

    Emily, my revolutionary sister, the berets are an inspired idea.

    We could condense these assorted comments into a pamphlet, written by our “Committee”. We’d need a more stylish name for it, though.

  38. Aaron Pohle says:

    Yikes, you are all quick. I move on to read some other posts and already you have planned and formed the executive committee of the revolution to retake Star Wars from the Evil Lucas Empire(tm). Where do I sign up? Surely there are some “expendable fanatic” positions still available. ;)

  39. red says:

    We could just call it the “Force”.

  40. red says:

    “Where ya goin’, Comrade?”

    “Oh, nothin’ … just got this Force meeting at 3…”

    “Cool … let’s go grab a beeer after…”

  41. red says:

    “Hey, who’s that tagging along with you?”

    “Oh, that’s Aaron. he’s our expendable fanatic.”

  42. Aaron Pohle says:

    Haha…power to the people.

  43. MikeR says:

    Lucas is a control freak with megalomaniacal tendencies. But I suppose the fact that we’re all sitting around talking about him halfway validates his grossly over-inflated self-opinion.

    Personally, I haven’t cared for anything since ESB.

  44. Dave J says:

    Just for the sake of propagating the meme before anyone else does, I feel compelled to say:

    All his Star Wars are belong to us.

  45. Bill McCabe says:

    I’ll go with “The Force”.

    I’m not growing a long beard, though,

  46. Dan says:

    The Protocols of the Elders of Lucasfilm: details their insidious plots, from the infamous Greedo conspiracy on, to debase the People’s beloved films.

  47. red says:

    You know what?

    Okay, here’s the thing: I said that “Star Wars belongs to all of us” thing COMPLETELY sincerely at the time.

    And now, 4 hours later – it just seems funnier and funnier.

    Did I actually say that? In all seriousness?

    I am such an asshole.

  48. Bill McCabe says:

    You said it, and we aren’t letting you forget it.

    It is his work, but if some video pirates somewhere put out the original versions on DVD, I’d buy them and say screw the bonus features.

  49. Emily says:

    Careful with that “fanatic” stuff, Aaron. Remember what happened to Leon Trotsky?

  50. Bill McCabe says:

    Emily is right, we know where to find a pick axe.

  51. totally.

    i don’t need any han sanitizer.

    i like my hans dirty, thank you very much.

  52. Outfitting

    As you might have caught wind last week, the lovely Sheila O’Malley has launched something of a revolution against Lucasfilm Ltd. regarding the apparent contempt of one George Lucas for his large audience of fans who consider Star Wars to…

  53. Outfitting

    As you might have caught wind last week, the lovely Sheila O’Malley has launched something of a revolution against Lucasfilm Ltd. regarding the apparent contempt of one George Lucas for his large audience of fans who consider Star Wars to…

  54. MeanBastard says:

    The way I see it there are two types of Star Wars fans. The ones who loved the originals, and the geeks who loved the originals so much they can’t see how much the new ones suck. To them it is blasphemy to say anything negative about Lucas and his work.
    Lucas should never have directed the latest installments. I was amazed that he auditioned thousands of child actors and came up with the kid we see in Episode I. I’m even more amazed that he can take fairly good actors and make them look like Soap Opera rejects. You have to be a pretty bad director to accomplish this.
    Every time I read anything new about Lucas it makes me cringe at what an asshole he is. I’m no longer sure if he joined the dark side, or if he was always part of it.

  55. Happy Friday

    Yeah, yeah, nothing new for a while. When I haven’t been busy, I’ve been lazy, so here’s a couple of random things until I can sit down and write something decent for a change: -It is my firm belief that…

  56. Pissedoffformerfan says:

    I don’t know if anyone is still checking this board, but I just found it in a bored moment so here’s my tidbit…

    Check out the interview with Lucas in this week’s Entertainment Weekly. He now has deluded himself into the fact that Greedo always shot first. Nevermind that it is not on screen. He says that that was the way that he imagined the scene. He goes on to say that killing people is not cool. Therefore his Han Solo would never do such a thing.

    What a putz.

    I agree with one of the above writers. Thank you my Lucas for taking something that I loved as a kid and completely destroying it. And is he seriously saying that it took him 15+years to write EpsI-III? C’mon..he wrote them over a weekend in his Ivory Tower.

    The with new fresh Metachlorians (howver the hell you spell it)…sounds like a laudry detergent.

    Ok I’m rambling…

  57. Outfitting

    As you might have caught wind last week, the lovely Sheila O’Malley has launched something of a revolution against Lucasfilm Ltd. regarding the apparent contempt of one George Lucas for his large audience of fans who consider Star Wars to…

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