Things I Have Learned About Hope In Our 2 Full Days Together

— She thinks lying in the middle of the floor, all stretched out, is the best thing in the world.

— She also enjoys curling up in the dirt of my huge potted plant. I have scolded her but she stares at me, unmoved.

— Pens are awesome and must be fought to the death.

— The crisper in the refrigerator is a magical world that one can only glimpse at brief brief intervals, but oh … if she could only get INTO the crisper, all of the secrets of the universe would suddenly be revealed to her.

— She enjoys licking my toes when I brush my teeth.

— She follows me from room to room. “Hey, we’re hanging out in here now! Cool! Oh. She’s going in THAT room. Then I must go in there too!!”

— Watching her stretch is to be a witness to a moment of perfect contentment.

— Sitting on the windowsill staring out at the strutting robins and occasional stray cats in my backyard is part agony part joy. Occasionlly she puts her paws up on the window pane, staring out at the backyard, as though it is that scene when Billy’s girlfriend comes to visit him in the Turkish prison in Midnight Express.

— I stand washing the dishes and she snakes herself in and out and around my ankles, purring so loudly that I am almost embarrassed for her.

— She’s happy when I come home. Then she gets over it and goes back to sleep, smack dab in the middle of my floor.

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15 Responses to Things I Have Learned About Hope In Our 2 Full Days Together

  1. Dave E. says:

    Haha…what fun! Congratulations on your new roomie. The following around and stretched out on the floor behavior is just like my dog’s. And the fridge…oh how she lusts to get into the fridge. I’m pretty sure that she thinks that is the portal to heaven.

    If you hadn’t told us it was a cat, I would probably think you were describing a puppy. Er…no insult to Hope intended.

  2. red says:

    I think Hope might actually believe she IS a dog. I’m just guessing.

  3. Alessandra says:

    I read this and I think, for the millionth time, how come there are people who hate cats? Do they know anything about cats? I really just don’t understand.

  4. southernbosox says:

    Good for you guys! Enoy her- she sounds perfect.

  5. dorkafork says:

    She sounds like the best kind of cat.

  6. David says:

    There are few joys in life surpassed by your running commentary of the inner workings of pets and children (and the occasional drunk person at a party).

    LOVE IT!!

    Did you get that 16 3/4″ rod you needed?

  7. just1beth says:

    I love her!! The Turkish prison comment is just KILLING me!! And as far as a dog, Ollie comes when we whistle for her. By the way, she and Tom have a love so strong that she grooms him every morning (literally- she licks his head to wake him up, while holding him like a kitten…) and he sings “The Candy Man” but it is “The Ollie Cat”. Frankly, it is a bit disturbing. But it works for them.

  8. Rob says:

    Yep. Transfer complete. She now owns you. :)

  9. just1beth says:

    OH, and when Tom is singing to the cat, it is in an EXTREMELY high falsetto. Just so you get the full image. (shudder)

  10. red says:


    Frankly, it is a bit disturbing.

    hahahahaha!! I can just see this image – it’s hysterical.

  11. red says:

    David – hahahaha Pets, children, drunk people. These are my areas of expertise.

    Yes – I got the rod you told me to get. My AC works awesome (although that main room does not get AS cool as the damn kitchen.) Now I need to get a curtain for that kitchen door (as we discussed) but I’ve just been too busy to deal with it.

    I miss you – let’s see each other soon!

  12. just1beth says:

    Ok, let me just say something- A/C AND a cat??? WHAT??????????? I have GOT to get down to see you!! It all started with a car named Stockwell…..

  13. Kate P says:

    She curls up in the potted plant? She must belong to the same Dirt Lovers Society my sister’s cat does–only it’s the basement floor that does it for her. It must feel good.

    Pens are second only to Q-tips in terms of “attack mode” for my cat.

  14. Lyrie says:

    I did a search with the words “get out” because I was looking for the Odie Henderson / Steven Boone conversation on the movie, and for some reason one of the first entry suggested was this one. Not what I was looking for, but so great! I love Hope.
    Have a great Sunday.

    • sheila says:

      Okay this is hilarious that “get out” would lead you here!

      I had only had Hope for 2 days at this point!! Almost 10 years ago. WHAT THE HELL. WHERE DID THE TIME GO.

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