My Old Stompin’ Grounds


G Studio. Scene of a million acting classes. A million rehearsals. We did a production of Lanford Wilson’s Rimers of Eldritch in G Studio – and the place was transformed into an old rickety tumbleweedy kind of town. That place is full of ghosts. Kimber (teacher) smoking his pipe. Scenes being done. Meisner repetition exercises. So many things. Mitchell and I were reminiscing last night about all that went on in G Studio. And it hasn’t changed at all. I auditioned for Picnic in G Studio. It was my introduction to the seriousness of what I wanted to do, and how seriously I wanted to take it. That feeling resides in that room to this day.




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3 Responses to My Old Stompin’ Grounds

  1. tracey says:

    Oh, that gives me a lump in the throat. My college theater was so similar. They all have a certain feel to them, don’t they? So much life and memories in their walls and their old furniture. I love them.

  2. red says:

    tracey – you’re right. It’s like all the focus on craft, all the silliness and creativity, all the memories are somehow soaked into the walls!

  3. David says:

    G studio was my first encounter with URI Theatre. Joe Glosson held the O’Neill one act auditions there. It was the only time I have ever been to an audition where everyone sat in on everyone elses auditions. I just assumed that’s how it was done. Never saw it again.

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