Scanning Tuesday

In general, I am not friends with people who aren’t funny. That’s just the way it is, or the way it has naturally turned out. It’s not that I consciously exclude people – or have a checklist of what I think is funny and so-and-so should line up … nothing like that … It’s really just a natural process. Funny people (and it’s a certain brand of funny) are drawn to each other. You recognize each other. You laugh at the same stupid things. You find that in clusters of friends. I’ve hung out with groups of friends who aren’t funny. They may be polite, or warm, or kind … but not really funny.

Like tends to cluster towards like …

All of this is to say is that my roommate for my sophomore year in college was someone I had actually gone to high school with, but didn’t really know all that well – and as a matter of fact, she intimidated me because she was stunningly gorgeous, had a serious boyfriend, and had a naturally beautiful and awesome singing voice that other people spend years studying to try to achieve. She could be intimidating. She could get very serious and quiet, and you would wonder what was going on behind that beautiful mask.

But we were both in the theatre department at the same college, and without even really knowing each other TOO well, we said, sure, let’s be roommates.

On the very first day of school, as we were bustling around our new room, getting our backpacks together, it somehow came out that her eyesight was so bad that she used this huge clear magnifying sheet to read books – she would place it over the page, and suddenly it would be like a large-print book and she could make it through. I had never known that about her.

Did we sit and have a deep conversation about our poor eyesight?


Did we commisserate about how hard it is to see the blackboard?


Did we swap glasses to see each other’s vision and then discuss the pros and cons of various contact lenses, like good upstanding on-the-verge-of-being-adult people?


Instead, here is what we did. For about 20 minutes.

That’s what I mean. Goofy juvenile stupid humor. Not everyone has it, you know.

And that’s when I knew we would be good roommates and friends.

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10 Responses to Scanning Tuesday

  1. mitchell says:

    holy shit!!! i remember these pics…im dying!!!!!

  2. red says:

    And the shrine to the unicorn …

    I mean, the whole thing is hysterical.

  3. Mark says:

    Before I even clicked the link, I knew what the pictures would be…because that’s exactly what I would have done.

  4. red says:

    I mean, seriously, there is nothing else to be done, really.

  5. Kristen says:

    Asswipe, the Unicorn, if you please.

  6. red says:

    The funniest thing about those unicorns is that my roommate had made the mistake of saying ONCE, when she was, like, EIGHT, that she liked unicorns – and since that day, on any birthday, any Christmas, she was bombarded with unicorns. She finally, one day, was like, “You know what? Enough. I don’t like them THAT much. Also, I’m 20 years old now. Please STOP.”

  7. Ken says:

    Hmmm. Maybe I should lay off with the getting my mom miniature lighthouses alla time.

  8. brendan says:

    that is hilarious.

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