Odets: on “form”

Entry from Journal

March 24, 1940

Form, form. I go crazy when I hear some of these goofs say I have no form! Debussy had no form? Certainly not — he had none of Beethoven’s form! And some of Beethoven’s last piano sonatas had no form. Yes, none of Mozart’s form. These idiots do not realize that there is no such thing as abstract form! Form is, like style, an intensely personal thing. The trust is that my plays have much more form and shape and pattern than thousands of well-made American plays which are simply a scaffolding holding up nothing. I am a talented individual, seeing and handling material in an individual and creative way. And these so-called critics do not understand that when they ask for a ready-made form from me they are simultaneously asking for the death of my talent.

Well, everything is your own fault — you read what those stupid men write!

Reminds me of Joyce there.

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