Present Tense: on Jean Arthur

For my next Present Tense column at Film Comment (because life goes on and I am very grateful that all of my work is web-based and can continue in this climate): I wrote about one of my favorite actresses, whom I’ve kinda sorta written about, but mostly in reference to specific films she’s in. Not centering my discussion on her. So this was fun. I wrote about the great, the unique, Jean Arthur.

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2 Responses to Present Tense: on Jean Arthur

  1. Donna says:

    Today I watched the documentary about Zen and Garry Shandling, both parts. This is day 7 for me as I’m one of those high risk folks. I’m in renal failure and I do dialysis at home. For 32 years I worked for the local catholic hospital. I was an ICU nurse. It breaks my heart I can’t be there with my friends. We can all help out the health care workers and each other by sheltering in place and not hoarding supplies. This is especially true of gloves and masks. Finally, we in health care are amused at your use of gloves and masks. You are doing it wrong and wasting vital supplies, which is even worse than the spring breakers.

  2. Donna says:

    Posted on wrong post. Trying times

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