Cashel not only got straight As on his latest report card, but straight As for “deportment”. The straight As in reading/writing/arithmetic is a given … but the triumph is in the deportment arena of his life. Cashel has gone through a rough patch, for reasons that make total sense – I will not invalidate what he has gone through … Those straight As in deportment really mean something. He has worked VERY VERY hard to be a good boy. Very difficult for a 7 year old, right? Life seems so unfair sometimes, and it’s not FUN to suck things up, and know that there are some things that you just have to do: like being polite to others, and obeying the teacher, and stuff like that. But after a rocky road, and – to put it mildly – NOT straight As in “deportment” … now comes this triumph.
You’re a good boy, Cashel, and I get how huge this is for you. This is a breakthrough, frankly. It is not easy to change bad behavior – I know it from my own life! But the work you have done is already paying off.
I am so so proud of you.
Well done, Cashel! Call me in 14 years and I’ll buy you a beer!
Excellent work, Little Man!
i can’t say i love cashel because i don’t know the kid, but let’s say i love your love for him? does that makes sense?
Let’s hear it for Stretchy Colorado!!!!!
Needless to say, let’s give him a BIG hand!!!!
Excellent work, Cashel. Way to go!