Why I love Faustus – in one post.
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- Music shuffle: The Return
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- You know what you need to do with that Vichy Water!
- Happy Birthday, Leadbelly
- “I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb… and I also know that I’m not blonde.” — Dolly Parton
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- Bill Altreuter on Music shuffle: The Return
- mutecypher on Music shuffle: The Return
- sheila on Elvis forever and happy birthday
- Mike Molloy on Elvis forever and happy birthday
- sheila on You know what you need to do with that Vichy Water!
- Maddy on You know what you need to do with that Vichy Water!
- sheila on Happy Birthday, Leadbelly
- sheila on “I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb… and I also know that I’m not blonde.” — Dolly Parton
- sheila on R.I.P. Sam Schacht
- sheila on “I never told a joke in my life.” — Andy Kaufman
- sheila on “I never told a joke in my life.” — Andy Kaufman
- sheila on “It wasn’t there, and then it was there.” David Lynch on Elvis
- sheila on “It wasn’t there, and then it was there.” David Lynch on Elvis
- Maddy on Happy Birthday, Leadbelly
- Melissa Sutherland on “I never told a joke in my life.” — Andy Kaufman
- Maddy on “I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb… and I also know that I’m not blonde.” — Dolly Parton
- Molly Larson Cook on R.I.P. Sam Schacht
- Melissa Sutherland on “I never told a joke in my life.” — Andy Kaufman
- Leena Myller on “It wasn’t there, and then it was there.” David Lynch on Elvis
- Leena Myller on “It wasn’t there, and then it was there.” David Lynch on Elvis
that album cover STILL has a Squee Factor for me. Oh the nostalgia!!
Played it OVER and OVER and OVER!!…
Sharon – !!!!
You still have it??? I just so loved his nostalgia about it – and not just remembering that he loved it – but remembering who he was at that moment that he loved it. sniff!!!
I love that you remember. :)
Oh and Sharon – do you still have a record player?? Are you able to listen to it still?
I should get a durn turntable – I have so many albums stashed away I’d love to listen to – and there’s just something about vinyl.
Red, my wife got me one of those Crosley all-in-one sets for my birthday. Google Crosley Radio and you should be able to find the site. The downside is no tone controls on the model she got me (the one in the Queen Anne cabinet), but it sounds good enough–not audiophile country, but good enough. They make tabletop and freestanding models.