Goofing Around

The following photo makes me so happy.

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18 Responses to Goofing Around

  1. JFH says:

    Picture must have been taken during the filming of North by Northwest… embarrassingly, at first glance I thought the woman was Grace Kelly instead of Eva Marie Saint even though they have completely different profiles (“All blondes look alike”??), but recognizing James Mason quickly “reoriented my vision”.

  2. Dan says:

    Who’s the woman? She looks so familiar and I know I should know, but I’m having a braincramp.

  3. red says:

    Eva Marie Saint!

  4. Anne says:

    Have I ever blogged about my intense adolescent crush on James Mason? I think not.

  5. red says:

    Oh my God, you must (along with blogging the Reformation, of course).

    I still remember your posts about Anthony Perkins.

  6. red says:

    Oh and Anne- I’m not sure how it happened but I have started to read No Tickling – and I know you guys are friends – and I just love her blog. It’s so honest.

  7. Alex says:

    I need to known why they’re hanging around a harp.

  8. red says:

    Alex – I know … i was thinking: could it be for the auction scene?

    But then if you see in the background, there appears to be a lady sitting at a table. Which makes me think that the 3 of them are at an awards ceremony or something.

  9. red says:

    Why a harp would be at an awards ceremony is beyond me, however.

  10. Hank says:

    Just curious…where did you get that photo from?
    From what I can find, it comes from a booklet that
    accompanied the soundtrack for North by Northwest.

    I plan to watch it again soon.
    I’ll keep my eyes out for a harp in the


  11. red says:

    Hank – I found it here, in this aritcle in the NY Times about Hitchcock and music.

  12. Alex says:

    I’m going to find out. It does seem to be some kind of function or something doesn’t it? Maybe a publicity party for the film? Or the wrap party?

    I must find out.

    I love Cary Grant’s expression. Jesus he makes me happy.

  13. red says:

    I know – he’s such a goofball!!!

    But look at James Mason too – hahahahaha Like the part he plays in that movie is so slimy, but look at him!

  14. red says:

    Could it be a studio Christmas party?

    I’m trying to remember if that was a costume Eva Marie Saint wore during the film – and I think it might be.

    See her dress?

    But I could be wrong.

  15. Anne says:

    Yes, No Tickling is great. I’ll have to think of the angle for my James Mason love.

  16. dorkafork says:

    It had to have been during the auction scene. The wardrobe’s the same and there was a harp in the background. Confirmed!

  17. red says:

    dorkafork – words cannot express how cool I think you are for tracking that down and confirming. Awesome!!

  18. Mr. Bingley says:

    Yep, James is wearing the same tie.

    Great job, dorkafork!

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