The Seagull

It hurts to read this review of The Seagull and know that I can’t see it. It sounds like a once in a lifetime type production.

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4 Responses to The Seagull

  1. Jeff says:


    Even though I recognized the name and recognized him in the picture, I couldn’t quite place Chiwetel Ejiofor until I looked up his filmography and saw that he played “the operative” in Serenity, the science fiction flick based on the TV series “Firefly” (speaking of obsessions, we watched the entire series over a 2-week period beginning during the holidays). It may sound like a strange gig, but he was incredible.

  2. red says:

    Wow – nice career, huh???? I love careers like that – I am so admiring.

  3. Marti says:

    *whimper* me wants to goooooo… *cries*

  4. Snapshots

    — Still making my way thru War and Peace, a couple chapters a day. Still only on page 540 … but it’s riveting. It’s not a boring read and even the long sections about the freemasons end up adding to…

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