At Last: Jeff Bridges

I mentioned recently that I had been thinking a lot about Jeff Bridges.

And here is the result of all that thinking: 5 for the day: Jeff Bridges.

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11 Responses to At Last: Jeff Bridges

  1. Brendan says:

    Great article. Just great.

    Have you seen ‘Iron Man’ yet? He goes into some other place in that too.

    i resisted ‘the big lebowski’ for a long time. i had to watch it 4 times before i loved it! but there you go…he made watching a movie i was ambivalent about 4 times possible and then he got me!

    i also desperately love his president in ‘the contender’ with joan allen. they way he walks around that white house set he IS the most powerful man on the planet.

  2. Lisa says:

    Lloyd and Dorothy had a baby after Beau, Gary, who died of SIDS. Dorothy said she “smothered” Jeff when he was born because she was so scared of losing him, and that it was a wonder he turned out as normal as he is.

    I’ve always admired their family because it seems liked they were so “un-Hollywood” even though they were smackdab in the middle of it.

  3. tracey says:

    I love your thoughts on him. My favorite living actor, too — going way back. I’ve always had the feeling with him that he would be doing whatever he’s doing on screen even if the cameras weren’t filming. If that makes any sense at all.

  4. red says:

    tracey – yes! He’s totally unselfconscious – totally “in the zone” of the character, with no outside eye on the effect he’s having. Amazing to watch.

  5. red says:

    Lisa – I did not know that about the SIDS baby. Wow.

    I love the story about Lloyd Bridges, a young Lloyd Bridges, filming High Noon – and there’s a key scene in a barn, where he and Gary Cooper have a fist fight (if I’m remembering right) and a tiny toddler of a Beau Bridges was hiding up in the loft, watching the scene. Ha! Every time I see the scene, I imagine a small baby watching his dad “act” from above, offscreen.

  6. red says:

    bren – haven’t seen Ironman yet – can’t wait! And I so agree with you about The Contender – I loved him sitting up at night trying to think up crazy things to order in the White House kitchen, and how amazed he was that it would arrive. A grilled mahi mahi sandwich at 4 in the morning? And then he’s like a little kid, pleased and psyched, when it actually arrives!!

  7. Brendan says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to eat anything more than I wanted that shark sandwich.

    Which, by the way, is a nod to the led zeppelin legend of the groupie who pleasured herself with a small shark after a concert.

    Love the jellies on ‘the dude’.

  8. Cara Ellison says:

    You had a post about somebody… was it Jeff Bridges?…in the back of a pickup truck, maybe? After a play. I remember little of it, to be honest, but that last scene is burned into my mitochondria. It was you and some others driving around in a truck, and some celeb, and I think it was Jeff Bridges.

    Am I close? Did I dream this? It ‘feels’ like a dream, if you know what I mean.

  9. red says:

    Good memory – but it was William Hurt! One of my all-time favorite stories.

  10. Tommy says:

    That was a great post. Always gets me when somebody digs something even more than I do.

    Bridges is right up there on my list of favorite actors to watch. I never do this with any other actor, but I always make a point to watch Jeff Bridges’ eyes. Windows to the soul, and whatnot. I think it was Starman that started it…he’s constantly got this look of bemused wonderment in his eyes that gets me.

    Same bit’s there in Lebowski…whether he’s free and easy, or he’s utterly put upon (the “fuck it” scene with the other Jeffrey Lebowski always gets me, when you can see the fire go out of the Dude’s eyes…).

    Even Iron Man…He’s friggin’ malevolent, and I bought it completely because of the eyes…

  11. dorkafork says:

    Iron Man is lots of fun. It’s amazing to think the same guy that plays this huge cigar-chomping businessman also played “The Dude”.

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