“I remember glancing out the window and thinking to myself that someone must have erased the sky.”

My friend Alex is directing Lanford Wilson’s Balm in Gilead right now (excerpt here), and one of the actresses asked her, “What’s it like to do heroin?”

Here is Alex’s answer.

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1 Response to “I remember glancing out the window and thinking to myself that someone must have erased the sky.”

  1. Mark says:

    Wow… Just wow! I can’t remember the last time I read something posted on a blog that touched me in this way. The words she uses to describe the experience and her honesty is truly touching. To me, writing something like this in a public forum leaves her just as naked as the feeling she describes. I guess that’s the reason I find myself so attracted to what you and your friends write. Awesome!

    The other thing it reminded me of was the scene in Pulp Fiction where Travolta uses herion the first time. As a recovering addict myself, every time I watch that scene I think to myself… “there’s no way he could play that part with such perfection without having experienced it personally” Just too damn real!

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