This is the view outside my bedroom window right now.
Souls in the sky.
a Mhaighdean Mhuire róghrámhar,
nár chualathas trácht ar éinne
riamh a chuir é féin
faoi do choimirce
ná a d’iarr cabhair ort
ná a d’impigh d’idirghuÃ
is gur theip tú air.
Lán de mhuinÃn asat, dá bhrà sin,
rithimse chugat, a Mhaighdean
na maighdean is a Mháthair.
Is chugatsa a thagaim,
is os do chomhair a sheasaim,
i mo pheacach bocht atuirseach.
à a Mháthair an Aonmhic,
ná diúltaigh do m’urnaithe
ach éist leo go trócaireach agus
freagair iad. Ãmen.
Oh the ache… it just doesn’t go away.
I read that it’s not certain whether the tribute will return next year due to location and funding issues. I truly hope they get the money and space they need to bring it back, for of all the 9/11 memorials, I find it to be the most eloquent, the most holy. As you said, “Souls in the sky.”