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- X Marks the Spot
- Valentine’s Day Story #2: The Spitball Valentine
- Valentine’s Day Story #1: An Eyeball and a Dozen Roses
- “I looked like a bad girl. But I wasn’t a bad girl, really. I was a very nice little girl, until I found out what life was.”– Harriet Andersson
- Happy Birthday, Burt Reynolds: “My love is unironic.”
- “Listen, I never meant to make money. I never wanted it. I’m a singer, man.” — Gene Vincent
- “Each of us have a gift, you see, given us freely by the universe. And each of us with every breath gives something back” — Kim Stanley
- “The audience will always forgive you for being wrong and exciting, but never for being right and dull.” — Burt Reynolds
- Josh White, singer of “the fighting blues”
- “All my work is about uncovering, especially uncovering of voices that speak without governance, or that speak without being heard.” — Seamus Deane
Recent Comments
- Jeff on Valentine’s Day Story #1: An Eyeball and a Dozen Roses
- Clary on “Listen, I never meant to make money. I never wanted it. I’m a singer, man.” — Gene Vincent
- Gemstone on How it’s going
- Mike Molloy on “All my work is about uncovering, especially uncovering of voices that speak without governance, or that speak without being heard.” — Seamus Deane
- Tom on How it’s going
- Melissa Sutherland on “Since we do float on an unknown sea I think we should examine the other floating things that come our way very carefully.” — poet Elizabeth Bishop
- Mike Molloy on “If it was raining soup, the Irish would go out with forks.” – Happy Birthday, Brendan Behan
- sheila on “The only people who ever called me a rebel were people who wanted me to do what they wanted.” — Nick Nolte
- Roger O Green on February 3, 1959: The Day the Music Died
- Maddy on “The only people who ever called me a rebel were people who wanted me to do what they wanted.” — Nick Nolte
- sheila on December 2024 Viewing Diary
- Todd Restler on December 2024 Viewing Diary
- sheila on February 3, 1959: The Day the Music Died
- sheila on December 2024 Viewing Diary
- sheila on January 2025 Viewing Diary
- Kelly C Sedinger on February 3, 1959: The Day the Music Died
- Bill on All That Jazz: Remembering and Loving Erzebet Foldi
- Johnny on December 2024 Viewing Diary
- Todd Restler on January 2025 Viewing Diary
- sheila on “Since the beginning, I’ve said, ‘I’m not going to get involved with my image.’” – Charlotte Rampling
Tag Archives: Jeremy Renner
December 2017 Viewing Diary
Supernatural, Season 11 (2015-16) What an incredible season, right up until the moment …. it was not an incredible season. I hadn’t re-watched in its entirety since it aired, although I cherry-picked favorite episodes to re-watch (of which there are … Continue reading
Posted in Monthly Viewing Diary, Movies, Television
Tagged Coen brothers, Darren Aronofsky, David Fincher, documentary, Elizabeth Taylor, France, Garrett Hedlund, Georgia, Jack Kerouac, Jean Renoir, Jeremy Renner, John Huston, Julie Harris, Kentucker Audley, Margaret Atwood, Marlon Brando, Michelle Pfeiffer, Richard Gere, Star Wars, Steven Spielberg, Supernatural, women directors, Zodiac
American Hustle (2013); Directed by David O. Russell
I don’t know, man. I’m not seeing it. I’m not seeing what others are seeing. I am on board with this article, although I didn’t like Amy Adams as much as he did. I enjoyed the performances tremendously, everyone is … Continue reading
Boys I Love
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. Today it’s a toss-up.
Jeremy Renner: The Sociopath/The Hero
My new piece on Jeremy Renner just went up at Fandor. Go check it out! An actor with a big range, although it may not be apparent yet in the roles he’s getting. He can go antisocial, he can go … Continue reading
Psychopaths and morality: Jeremy Renner and Sissy Spacek
Fascinating article called Psychopaths and Rational Morality: The Frontal Cortex, with an even better conversation going on in the comments. Go read the whole thing, it’s very interesting. It is one of my obsessions: psychopaths, antisocial personalities, whatever name you … Continue reading
— Sometimes I look up from what I am doing and I see Hope across the room staring at me, and there is a look of such coiled contempt in her eyes that I want to run fleeing into the … Continue reading
Posted in Personal
Tagged family, Hope, Iran, Iranian film, Jafar Panahi, Jeremy Renner, Mulholland Drive, Offside, Rebecca West, Ron Chernow, snapshots
Dahmer (2002); Dir: David Jacobson
Shot in only 23 days, David Jacobson’s Dahmer (he wrote and directed it) caused a lot of flak when it came out. Dahmer was shown as a human being, as opposed to a villain from a comic book. Because that’s … Continue reading
Sheriff Jeremy Renner
Pink rides into a dusty ole frontier town, ready to stir up some “Trouble”, High Noon style (the shot of her coming through the town gates a direct steal of that famous shot in High Noon). The town trembles at … Continue reading Continue reading