January 29, 2004

A "Large" Victory

Today is Michele Catalano's three-year blog anniversary. Go over and congratulate her. Amazing.

She starts her anniversary post with:

Three years.

I don't think I've ever stuck with an idea this long. I was always the type to join a club or sign up for a sport or come up with a grand plan and throw in the towel a week or two later. I have unfinished stories and half-done projects cluttering my closets. Hell, I left St. John's University (for good reasons) with just 15 credits needed to graduate with a degree in English. Well, it's not like an English degree would have paid off anyhow. You may as well major in Sitting at Home Twiddling Your Thumbs.

So here we are, three years after I started blogging, and I'm still at it. Go figure, I finally found something to do that kept my interest for more than 30 seconds.

Thank you so much, Michele, for your blog! And for your commitment to your blog. You are a daily inspiration!

You and I have GOT to go to the next Blogger Bash so we can meet ... It has GOT to happen!!

Posted by sheila

You got it. I'm buying the first round.

Posted by: michele at January 29, 2004 03:44 PM

I probably won't get around to posting to my own deal today, so let me proclaim my admiration for the amazing Ms. Catalano here.

To make use of an oft-abused phrase, she rocks!

Posted by: MikeR at January 29, 2004 06:37 PM