Pump Up the Volume: A Remembrance

Check it out.

I was just out of teenager-dom myself when I saw it, so maybe the issues were closer to home. I haven’t seen the film since then. Maybe it’s because it’s about media frenzies, and also about free speech, things I feel strongly about. It’s about the fact that a lot of times emotions are UGLY, and DARK – and there is nothing more obnoxious to a person having dark emotions than a world that wants you to keep a lid on those emotions, and make everything pretty and neat. It’s also about the fact that teenagers do not see their own problems as trivial, or in a “this, too, shall pass” way. Everything is urgent, and dark, the loneliness can be intense. That’s what it is to be a self-aware adolescent.

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7 Responses to Pump Up the Volume: A Remembrance

  1. Bill McCabe says:

    I would watch this film everytime it came on HBO, I should probably grab it on Netflix to see how well it holds up for me.

  2. j swift says:

    It was just the “kiss my a*s world” attitude. Stirs up the nonconformist in you.

  3. red says:

    j swift, your comment reminds me of why I fired my therapist. :)

  4. DeAnna says:

    OH MY GOD!
    Thank you thank you thank you!
    I LOVED this movie when it came out!
    I loved the painfully shy character of Mark who in the privacy of his basement was a rebel and the voice of all teen angst.
    I must have watched it a million times.
    I am SO going to go find it on DVD. It’s another one of those movies I can watch over and over again.
    (I’m ashamed to name the others on that list)

  5. red says:

    DeAnna: Please feel no shame.

    I watch Blue Crush probably once a month. I SHOULD feel shame about that, but I do not.

  6. Mark says:

    I liked it because I always wanted to run a pirate radio station. Still do. And now that I have the cash and knowledge to do so, the only thing that holds me back is the whole legality of it. Anarchist, my ass.

  7. Ron says:

    Ah, I loved that movie when it came out. I even (I think) still have the soundtrack on CD. I haven’t seen it or even though about it in years.

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