Streep In “That Scene” In Ironweed

When Ironweed first came out, my friend Mitchell said to me, before I had seen it, “There is a reason why everybody is talking about that scene … It was annoying to me, how much people were talking about how great it was … until I saw it.”

He’s talking about the singing scene, of course.

I loved reading this post over on Lance’s excellent blog that tells the story of that scene, told by William Kennedy himself.

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6 Responses to Streep In “That Scene” In Ironweed

  1. Denise says:

    That scene pops into my mind at different times like one of my own dreams. I’d be hard pressed to pick Meryl’s top 5 scenes because of all the choices available but this one would be on that list.

  2. red says:

    Denise – Yup. Me too.

  3. Alex says:

    That’s one of the best singing scenes in any movie to date. It was so odd when i happened and I first saw it, and then experiencing it, watching the expression on Helen’s face as the song literally went through her, was amazing.

    But it was the snap back to reality that really got me. The way she had to put herself back into that dirty club with her husky voice and the realization that what she was, what she had, was really, truly gone.

    A lesson in the ultimate loss.

    Streep is perfection.

  4. red says:

    Alex – yeah, that last moment. The loss. It’s almost unwatchable.

  5. “Smart Romantic Comedies”—Sheila, have you seen “Chapter Two?” It’s a Neil Simon movie from the late seventies and is one of the smartest movies I’ve ever seen. I can’t get enough of it!

    Loved your movie post; I don’t spend enough time thinking about the movies that shaped me.

    From one redhead to another, just wanted to say “howdy” today, and thanks so much for all your sweet support.


  6. red says:

    Oh my gosh – the Pioneer Woman has commented on my blog. I’m so psyched!!

    I don’t think I’ve seen Chapter Two – I love Neil Simon though – I’ll put it on the ol’ Netflix queue. Thanks!!

    And congrats, again, on your win. :)

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