Christine Lavin: “Ballad of a Ballgame”

Well, we’re in full on baseball season now, which means that all is right with the world. Come January or February I start to feel a bit … “off” … and sometimes it takes a while for me to locate what is wrong. It always hits me: No baseball. Walking by bars in New York City, it just doesn’t seem RIGHT if the big-screen TVs aren’t showing baseball.

Someone on Facebook today mentioned Janis Ian, which then made me think of this wonderful song by Christine Lavin, based on a true story from her life, when she played softball in Central Park. The song starts with the lyrics:

“Do you remember that song by Janis Ian?
The one about not getting chosen for the basketball team?”

I found a clip of Lavin playing her “Ballad of a Ballgame” live, and just had to share it. It’s not a short song, so just settle in. It’s funny, touching, and – I was more than thrilled to find that in this live clip she dedicates the song to the Boston Red Sox. Atta girl.

I’ve been lucky enough to see Lavin perform a number of times, and “Ballad of a Ballgame” is one of my favorites of her monologue-songs.

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2 Responses to Christine Lavin: “Ballad of a Ballgame”

  1. Catherine says:

    I’m moving to Boston in about two months and I cannot wait to attend my first Red Sox game! I know nothing about baseball, but aesthetically, it’s the most pleasing looking sport.

  2. red says:

    Catherine – Oh, and Fenway is just a great ballpark. Great place to see some baseball. I’m so envious!! Have a wonderful time ensconced in the bastion of Jesuit education. And go visit my dad’s book collection. :)

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