when you get the milk for free is how the saying goes.
Apparently, Robert Blake bought the cow BECAUSE he got the milk for free. Damn, dude, you’re not supposed to just admit that!
Blake said: “There aren’t many women who will simply sleep with you and get on the bus, if you know what I mean.”
Actually, I’m not sure I do know what you mean there, pal. The first part sounds rational … but what bus are you talkin’ ’bout there? The relationship bus? The “let’s ignore the fact that my new girlfriend is a complete star-fucking psycho” bus? The “oops, I left my gun in the restaurant” bus? What?
But then he clarifies:
“With Bonny, pathetically, a part of me required that, you know, ‘Help me make it through the night, and I’ll see you later.'”
Wow. I have plenty of parts of me that have pathetic requirements. I could list them, but it would be rather embarrassing. An example would be this mantra that goes through my head when I really really like a guy: “love me love me love me tell me i’m beautiful don’t look at anyone else tell me you love me love me love me …” Ahem. Like I said: pathetic. I try to keep these things under wraps, and would NEVER say any of that stuff out loud … why bug someone else with my pathetic requirements? Because they’re not real – they come out of anxiety and loneliness and being single for too long – and if I just breathe through them, they will pass. Sometimes I lose my way, and forget that the key word in “pathetic requirements” is actually “pathetic” and I need to get a hold of myself.
On a final note: the title to that article I link to about Robert Blake strikes me as so hilarious, in a really dark and disturbing way. hahahaha
“Their sacred union was shattered…” ha! That’s one way to put it.
“She could charm the eyes off a rattlesnake.”
Uhm … is that a compliment?
The whole article is just full of weird quotes like that.
Hey, you’re beautiful, and we love you. I know it’s not the same hearing it from blog fans, but oh well. And I’m not sure I’m really on the bus as far as the “don’t look at anyone else” thing.
i said the “don’t look at anyone else” thing was pathetic. I specifically said that that was a “pathetic requirement” that I try to keep under control. When I really really like someone, I get insecure. I’m human. But I don’t expect anyone to get on that bus (when I’m rational, I mean).
Again: I am not quite sure what bus Robert Blake is referring to. There are soooo many busses to consider in his scenario.
I agree that we’re all insecure, some people might hide it better than others, but they are too. And someone really really liking you back can make you MORE insecure, which makes no sense. And if we said everything that ran through our heads, people would run from us like we were on fire.
It’s like when you receive someone’s love, you’re even more afraid that you’ll lose it…the insecurity comes with it, I think, because it can be so fleeting.
Blake cured one insecurity. He should be secure in the knowledge that anyone who will have a relationship with him now is a whacko.
Fecking genius, and hilarious too. You rock! The world loves the S-Bomb!
I think it’s the magic bus.
Or perhaps it’s the The Magic School Bus.
Jeez he’s weird.
An article full of weird quotes.. and all seemingly from the questioning by his own attorney.. what are the questions from the family’s attorney going to be like?
At least his attorney got to the point – probably in exasperation – “Why? Blake’s attorney asked. Why marry her?”
And why am I picturing the attorney sinking to the floor shaking his head as he asked that question?
Only on topic for being about whacked out celebrities, but Red – did you see that quote in this morning’s E-Verse newsletter that described Katie Holmes as “the Manchurian Fiancée”? Hahahahaha.
yes i did see that – hilarious!!!! so true.
emily – did you also read that thing from Cult News about the silent birth and that whole nonsense? Kelly Preston (can’t stand her) and Travolta making a “recommendation”. I can’t stand what busybodies they all are.
Yes, I did. It was infuriating. I especially love the bit where they mention that Shitologists believe that if their child is injured, say they hit their head on a door, the proper thing for a parent to do is hold their child’s head against the door in order to transfer the child’s pain back to the object. Doors feel pain! I’m constantly finding myself shocked at how utterly, cluelessly friggin’ stupid these people can be.
And the whole point of the silent birth thing (i don’t care what people who are in the cult say – they are brainwashed and cannot be trusted) is to cut off the connection between parent and child – to lessen it – to lessen that deep bond. That way, later in life – when you must choose the cult over your family – it won’t be as difficult.
And Kelly Preston – on the Zellweger Scale of one to ten, ten being Bridget 2 annoying and one being only a mild irritation, she doesn’t quite top off Renee herself, but she is definitely one of those actresses whose success baffles me.
(Melanie Griffith goes to 11)
I definitely think her success is because of who she is married to – and also because of Tom Cruise pulling strings (her role in Jerry Maguire is a perfect example). I don’t see that there is much there otherwise.
Did you also read the article about Madonna trying to push Kaballah on Oprah? Poor Oprah…she’s got Tom courting her for Shitology from one side, Esther pushing Kaballah on her from the other. She’s a sharp lady, so I’ve no doubt she won’t fall for it, but can you imagine being in her kind of position, with all these clueless, brainwashed idiots rudely shoving this stuff on you all the time?
At least she’s getting free stuff out of it. I’d go on Tom’s four hour tour of the Celebrity Center for a free car.
Yeah, I read that. These people are so so tiresome with their religions – they’re so insecure. They have to talk about it all the time and try to convert you. If they don’t try, they feel distinctly uneasy and like … they aren’t “doing enough”. Guilt eats away at them. It’s similar to recently converted born-agains I have known and loved. It’s like: I know, I know, you’re fired up, you love Jesus. SHUT THE FUCK UP THOUGH.
and like: these people are huge stars. It is difficult to control them once they’re in front of the cameras.
Why don’t they get that we don’t care – except in a ghoulish “oooh look at the freaks in the freak show” way?
By the way – I KNOW why they “don’t care” – they probably are only even vaguely aware of what is going on out here in the real world – especially these freaky little cult members. Tom Cruise is TRULY “concerned” for all of us. He cares “about each and every one of you in this room … And those aren’t just words. It’s a PROMISE.”
Whatever, dude. I’m gonna go take some aspirin now and see my shrink later in the day. Ya got a problem with that?
I think it’s a true sickness, in that they cannot grasp the fact that the adoring crowds they see at premieres, the people that pay close attention to the gossip of their private lives, etc actually only constitute an extremely minute portion of the population and are, for the large part, very sad cases with no lives. I mean, we all enjoy a little bit of gawking at the circus, but most people seriously do not give a crap what celebrities have to say about anything. Yet they have no idea. They think we are all clinging to their every word and that we have a deep concern over whether or not they are drinking as much blessed water as they should be…whatever.
I remember right after September 11, Madonna, who had rescheduled her L.A. performance that was supposed to take place that day, stood on stage and urged President Bush to “show restraint” following the attacks. Yep. I’m sure the first thing Dubya said once aboard Air Force One was “Get me Madonna on the horn stat! I must seek her counsel on how to proceed!” What a feckin’ self-important moron. And she’s sooooo clueless too. She has no idea that we’re laughing at her.
This is a horrible analogy – but it reminds me of stories of dictators in their last days. The dictator cannot stand “bad news”. So the dictator surrounds himself with liars and sycophants who hide the truth from him and tell him what he wants to hear.
Needless to say – the dictator always falls.
This is what’s happening with Tom Cruise right now. At least I hope it is. He can’t keep surviving such disastrous press.
“She has no idea that we’re laughing at her.”
Emily, she must know that we’re booing at her at least?
One other thing though.. I read somewhere that the sidekick, as I keep thinking of Katie Holmes for some reason, has already cancelled any movie commitments she may have had for the next year.
Any info on that? Seems a) premature.. and b) career suicide.
Regarding the article title, the first thing I thought of was Charlie Sheen’s line “You don’t pay a hooker to go home with you, you pay them to leave.”
I think the booing incident only re-assured her self-importance, since fans were responding to her and Ritchie not taking the time to sign autographs – “we have upset our adoring public by not being accessible. They cannot live without us.”
I haven’t heard anything about Katie taking time off, but she’s a minor starlet who doesn’t have any strong performances or remarkable films to stand on, so I don’t think she can really afford it right now, but even brainwashed, she’s a big girl and will have to deal with the consequences of that. Besides, she’s set for life, having Cruise’s baby and all. She won’t be holding any “will work for food” signs soon.
Yeah.. disappointed that the movie seemed to do reasonably well in its first week of box-office takings.. any publicity is good publicity and all that.
And I guess Xenu looks after his own.
i agree that Ms. Holmes has lost her freakin’ marbles…but i think its even sadder becasue i do think that she is a good actress..i admit it..i loved the Creek and she was very cute..also good in Wonderboys and Pieces of April…not Sophie’s Choice..i agree..but sad that a talented pretty girl has sold her soul to the Xenu…for what? love? money? uckk…its all soo gross. But delightful!
Have you seen this?
Have fun.
“gross … but delightful!”
mitchell, you fucking make me laugh. I know JUST what you mean!!!
it’s so much fun to snark about TomKat.
Katie’s moved on to bigger Projects than the film industry could ever offer. This “TomKat II” she’s working on now will set her up as Queen of Scientology, if she can stick with it.
Oohhh! I so wish I could marry a cult leader!!!