“I don’t think any of us on the crew really knew what the fuck we were doing.”


Speaking of Malick-mania (my review of ToL here), and in line with my current banner, not to mention my own varied associations with the film, you absolutely must check out:

GQ’s extraordinary oral history of the making of Badlands.

Great anecdotes from as many of the main players as possible, including Sheen telling the story of how they got the shot that is currently in my banner. I was particularly moved by Sheen’s painful revelation, once he finally saw the film, that he had actually been playing a bad guy (“I’d thought he was so romantic. I’d thought he was so charming. I’d forgotten he killed about twelve people.”)

Not to be missed.

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1 Response to “I don’t think any of us on the crew really knew what the fuck we were doing.”

  1. phil says:

    Awesome. Thanks, Sheila.
    One of a hand full of films that begat my love of film.
    I remember wanting the soundtrack so bad, searching back in the day, and record stores replying, ‘we have Bruce Springsteen’s Badlands, will that do?’ No!

    Don’t know if you saw this TM tribute::

    I bet it’ll send chills through you. Love it.

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