Katharine Hepburn interviews poor Chrisanne on the topic “Women In the Workplace”

I am literally SHAKING with laughter watching this video. I have stayed with them as a guest, and this is actually just all in a day’s work for them. I can’t stop laughing. There is too much funny here to even talk about. “I said DORIS …” what??? What did you say to Doris Day, Kate? Please tell us.

“Joan Crawford used to walk around Hollywood with a donut on her head and she said, ‘Ikky ikky oo oo.’ ”

Alex, you are insane.

I cannot breathe. Poor Chrisanne!

These two have been together for 30 years.

“Zingy! Zingy! Zingy! Now what were you saying, dear? Touch me.”

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6 Responses to Katharine Hepburn interviews poor Chrisanne on the topic “Women In the Workplace”

  1. Michael Thomas says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. george says:

    Uproariously funny! Must See! Hepburn’s A Laugh Riot! Zany From Beginning To End!

    I would hope for more. I would ask, cajole, and even beg for more. More Kate! But I just couldn’t ask Chrisanne to go through that again – at least not without per picture guaranteed money. UPFRONT!

  3. Dave E. says:

    Very funny, but now I have this vague fear of being ambushed and interviewed by “Kate”. She’d make mincemeat out of me.

  4. red says:

    George – I know! Chrisanne’s trying to work (you know, from HOME) and in blazes THAT??? hahahaha

    I want more too.

  5. red says:

    Dave – Kate makes mincemeat of us all. Mainly because SHE DOESN’T LISTEN.

    I love how Chrisanne barely gets out her job title before Kate barks at her, “WHAT? WHAT?”

  6. Dorothy says:

    Oh, lord. STOP IT! This has been on repeat for the past two days and shows no signs of ceasing or even abating! I must have watched this at least a dozen times. I need to get a life, is what needs to happen.

    “You do prostitution on the Internet? That’s wonderful!”

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