For all you Star Wars fans out there, and all of you fans of the composer John Williams (I’m looking at you, Cashel!!) – please, I beg you, go visit the John Williams Blog-a-Thon happening right now. Some amazing thoughtful and detailed posts from some of my favorite film writers out there.
And thank you to Sharon, for posting the clip (below the jump) on Twitter.
An a capella compilation, in 4 part harmony, of some of the most recognizable John Williams themes – with hilarious lyrics added. “Kiss your brother, kiss your brother, kiss your brother, who’s your daddy, who’s your daddy …”
My (four-year-old) son’s first comment about this was, “But that’s not the Star Wars song – that’s Indiana Jones.”
That’s as good a tribute to John Williams as any I have ever heard. A 4 year old can recognize the themes. Powerful iconic stuff.
That guy is a one-man Princeton accapella singing group. Nasoons, be afraid, be very afraid.
That is so awesome!
But what is wrong with me? Before the lyrics appeared, I thought he was singing, “You must use the phone.”
And I was like, “Okay. Okay! I’ll use the phone! Calm down.”
Which is embarrassing, because it’s pretty clear what he’s saying.
And the lyrics do come on the screen pretty quickly.
Uhm … I don’t know what my problem is. I have the DTs.