Oh Media. Just shut it.

The media is wondering why they have received so little credit for capturing the sniper. Well, let me tell you something, media: Great job in the 24/7 hysteria-mongering coverage. Great job in speculating, and putting on “experts” who continuously told us that the sniper was an angry white male. That was awesome. I have one problem: halfway across the world there was a hostage situation which appears to have implications for all of us, and it BARELY was mentioned by you all at all. CNN’s top broadcasts were not mentioning the Chechen rebel takeover of the theater at all. I flipped from channel to channel to channel, hoping to get a teeny bit of information about what is going on in the WORLD, not just in Montgomery County…especially once the sniper was caught! Get over yourselves. The media is basically in a service industry job. Like all the other service industry jobs out there, it has a relatively thankless aspect to it. You provide a service. That’s it.

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