For Ebert: The State of Cinema in 2016, According to Yours Truly

There’s a series going on now over on Ebert where the different critics are profiled, links to reviews/articles this year, etc. We also each answered the question: What are your thoughts on the state of cinema this year?

You can read mine here.

It’s a wonderful group of writers and I’m proud to be a part of the group. Keep an eye out for other profiles which will launch this week.

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4 Responses to For Ebert: The State of Cinema in 2016, According to Yours Truly

  1. HelenaG says:

    “Cinema is declared dead every 10 years or so, anyway. That’s just slightly shorter than the cicadas’ infestation-cycle”.

    I am dying. That is so perfect (in an all-around killer response to “Thoughts on 2016”). Thank you for making my morning.

    • sheila says:

      The “cinema is dead” crowd was so loud this year after Suicide Squad, of all things, tanked.

      You’re judging the health of cinema from one movie, that movie being Suicide Squad??

      And you’re PAID to write about culture and film??

      It was so disheartening to watch – especially since this has been such a strong year.

  2. Paula says:

    That quote made me laugh out loud, too. “The Nice Guys” and “The Lobster” surprised me. Don’t think I will forget that scene with his brother, the dog, in the bathroom anytime soon. Curious how you felt about “High Rise” (which also had a squeamish dog scene, so I guess 2016 is not the best year for being good dogs on film?) compared to “The Lobster”. I love dystopian stories but disliked the overt class commentary in “High Rise” (I get it, I get it). While “The Lobster” wasn’t subtle, there was more silent storytelling going on, like the hunt for escapees resembling some upper-class fox hunt, where no one remarks on the craziness, they just do it.

    • sheila says:

      Hey Paula! I missed High Rise! I’ll have to catch up with it!

      One of the reasons I loved The Lobster so much was how biting a commentary it was on how important it is in our culture to be paired up. Being single is “just not done,” especially after a certain point: you literally are beyond the pale. It’s kind of amazing- but The Lobsternailed it!

      Speaking of squeamish dog-scenes: there was also Wiener-Dog – which tells its entire story through the eyes and experiences of a dachshund who strolls from bizarre owner to bizarre owner.

      and Valley of Violence – which is out now – has the CUTEST dog I’ve seen in movies in a long time!

      But yeah: The Lobster – I really loved it. I loved Colin Farrell as a schlub! Whoda thunk he’d be so perfect in that kind of role??

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