Review: Never Look Away (2018)

My review of Never Look Away, directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (whose The Lives of Others won Best Foreign Film almost 10 years ago), is now up at Ebert.

I knew nothing about it going in, and in the final third of the movie, when the lead character starts to have his artistic breakthrough, painting what he wants to paint, I thought, “Huh. Is this based on Gerhard Richter, I wonder??? The art looks familiar!”

There is value in not reading press notes because then you get to feel really smart when you put things together on your own. Here are some of the Richter works I reference in the review:

“Motor Boat,” 1965

“September,” 2005

“Erhängte,” October 18 1977 series, 1988

“Arrest 1,” October 18, 1977 series, 1988

At any rate, lots to discuss. Go check out my review, and definitely check out the film.

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