Well, the “bastard brat” is only going to be at the New York Historical Society for a week longer, so McCabe and I are going tomorrow.
Let me preen my own feathers: I took the quiz on that website I linked to, and got EVERYTHING right. I was in the “zone”, man.
I got 100 on my “bastard brat of a Scotch pedlar” quiz.
So McCabe and I will venture forth tomorrow to check it out.
Glad to hear you’ll finally see the exhibition.. but will you go when the dramatisation/play is on?
IIRC, those infamous duelling pistols are there…
Last summer they did an enormous re-enactment of the duel in Weehauken …with descendants of both parties playing Burr and Hamilton. I happened to be out of town, but apparently over a thousand people showed up. It sounds delightfully goofy, and also something I SO would have enjoyed.
Well I’m not going to reveal my sadly inadequate level of knowledge on Alexander Hamilton… but there is, and I believe I’m quoting accurately, a multimedia presentation held daily at the exhibition centre.
The website itself is quite fancy-schmancy if you flip thru it. Floating screens and fonts and blah blah and hoo hoo … Nicely done.
Hamilton in our multi-media age? Sure, why not.
Dammit, I wish I could’ve got to NYC while it was still around. Oh well: have fun!
You’ve got until the 28th Dave … I think that’s when they take it down.
I think there’s a Thomas Paine exhibit going on in conjunction with the Hamilton one … heh heh. Two controversial characters to this day. Exciting.
I can’t remember the times for the play… but there is/was a play on along with that exhibition..
Ten more days, eh? We shall see.
OK I found a reference to that play.. although there’s no dates involved and I seem to remember it stops short of the actual exhibition run..
but here you go.. The play is performed Saturdays at 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00pm, Sundays at 2:00 and 4:00pm and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00pm.
and it seems to be a 40 minute play.. if that’s any help..
And, BTW, congratulations on getting EVERYTHING right in the quiz… I certainly couldn’t, and I’d guess few could.
I got 16 out of 20. Tomorrow will be the first time I have ever been to a historical museum or exhibit with someone who knows more about the subject than I do.
Well, the guy is your ghostly freebie, after all. Best to know things about people if you’re going to be involved with them… when the space-time continuum folds in on itself.
I tried to get a friend of mine to go with me to the exhibit, and she looked at me like I was crazy. Must acquire more history geek friends.
peteb: I know there’s a play – you didn’t need to go to all that trouble from across the Atlantic! Sorry, did it seem like I didn’t know that? I don’t think I even mentioned it.
Anyhoo, thanks – that’s the glory of the Internet.
HA! Yes. That bastard brat is my historical freebie. Gotta go check him out. heh heh
For some reason, at the time, it seemed a vitally important piece of information to pass on… although, alcohol may have been involved…
I love it when alcohol’s involved.