Music Meme

Total size of music files on my computer

Uhm. Zero. I’m embarrassed. I still live in a world of CDs and cassette tapes.

The last CD I bought was

Stevie Wonder’s Inner Visions. Talk about your perfect album. I think I only own a cassette tape of it – I taped it from my friend Mitchell – a huge Stevie fan … so finally, I saw it this past week, and thought: damn, MUST. HAVE. INNER. VISIONS. Every song on it a gem. Every single song. One of my favorite albums ever made.

Song playing right now in iTunes

iTunes? Uhm … I’m a loser. I play CDs. That’s it.

Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me

“Fields of Joy”, by Lenny Kravitz. That song to me is like a happy pill. Works every time, no matter if it’s the 1000th time I have heard it. It starts quiet, sweet, idyllic … “Slowly slowly through the fields … You touch my hand, I touch the sky … just you and I …” and then – Lenny gets LOUD. The guitar, his screaming … I am telling you. From the first time I heard that song (and I heard it really late … I didn’t get the album when it first came out) I was hooked. I heard it for the first time at a particular small dinner party in 2000 … and couldn’t believe my ears. I felt like it was the best song I had ever heard. I still can’t get over it. I listen to it all the time.

“Monkey Wrench” by the Foo Fighters. Uhm … sheer cataclysmic joy in that song. Such a great song. There was a good year in my life when it was on constant replay.

“Oh, Darling” by the Beatles. Man, I love that song. It’s one of my karaoke favorites as well. I just LOVE it when Paul screams.

“Lose Yourself”, by Eminem. There may be a more exciting song out there … but if there is, I don’t know what the hell it might be.

“Fuck and Run”, by Liz Phair. First of all, that ALBUM. Her first album. She comes out with a DOUBLE ALBUM as her FIRST album??? I love that! I also love that she calls it “Exile in Guyville”. It’s such a raw great album – never to be surpassed in her career since, in my opinion. And I love “Fuck and Run”. It’s so honest, so raw.

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2 Responses to Music Meme

  1. Tommy says:

    “I still live in a world of CDs and cassette tapes….”

    That made me smile.

    I get laughs at a local used music store when I go in and raid the 39 cent tape bin. I have a tape player in my truck which still gets hours of use, and I’m probably the only person on the walking paths at the park using a tape-playing walkman.

  2. Wes says:

    I’m not a hiphop fan, and I don’t own any Eminem albums. I own exactly one Eminem song, though, and that is “Lose Yourself,” and I totally agree with your analysis. Sends shivers down my spine.

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