
When taking care of someone else’s beloved fish, there are two conflicting emotions going on simultaneously, at all times:

1. An almost Zen-like appreciation of the fishes and their fluttery flashing underwater movements

2. Intense anxiety about finding them all gone belly-up during my reign as caretaker

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced Zen-like peace at the same time as intense anxiety – it’s an extremely odd sensation. I’ve experienced each one separately – but together? Only the caretaking of fish has brought about this strange conflict.

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11 Responses to Conflict

  1. JFH says:

    I’m sure you’re aware of all the common don’t’s (e.g. don’t tap on the glass, or don’t overfeed), but here’s one many forget about:

    DON’T eat sushi in front of the fish, it really stresses them out.

  2. Jackie says:

    I feel your pain my sister. My partner Monica and I are trusted by our friends as pet caretakers. It is scary to think these guys may get out, get lost or get dead during your watch. We have a box turtle we care for often but we’ve never watched anyones fish. Fish have to be the scariest because they can become floaters at anytime that has nothing to do with your care. But on the other hand they are sturdy. I’ve dropped my beta fish a couple times and he is still swimming. They’ll be fine.

  3. red says:

    Rather amusingly – my friend left me a little net scooper just in case one of them dies. She said breezily, as I stood there horrified: “It happens! Whatever! Just flush ’em!”

    So far so good!

  4. Sal says:

    The next-door neighbor did the mid-life thing where you buy a big Harley and drive all over the country, with wife on back.
    We feed their *ancient* cat for them – peoplewise, he’d be about 90. It’s always a relief to see him tottering into view when we open the door.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Remember: this weekend drink Goldjaeger shots, not Goldfish shots!

  6. jackie says:


    Remember that 1 cat and 2 tadpoles have died on my watch…..


  7. mitch says:

    I’m always leery about taking care of other people’s pets. Especially if they’re people without kids. They’re always fussier about their pets than I am about my children…

  8. red says:

    Jackie – hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  9. Wutzizname says:

    Fishies? What kinda fishies? Got a picture?

    My last fish, a betta, was a loner (Of course) but he used to like watching Tv, and he’d pace with me when I was near the tank.

    True, don’t tap on the glass, sushi, tuna sandwiches, even Goldfish crackers is just mean, and of course keep the TV away from Espn. They tend to show fishing shows mid-day.

    Speaking of anxiety, I always have anxiety of them jumping out of the tank (which happens) sooo…I doubt they’ll just go belly up (unless the tank is hideously filthy) and if you do take care to not overfeed them, you should be fine.

  10. red says:

    He would pace with you?? I love that!!!!

    I don’t know what kind they are – they are little, and not very fancy. You can practically see thru them. Or – no. You can ACTUALLY see through them. And when they swim right at you, they are barely visible because they have almost no width.


  11. Wutzizname says:

    Yes, he’d pace with me. His tank was on the console in the main hallway, and often I’d be on the phone and pacing in the hallway. I noticed per each phone conversation that he’d go to the front of his tank, and wiggle along with me, at a measured pace, as I was pacing back and forth in front of his tank. Sometimes he’d dart forward ahead of me like, “C’mon!”

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