Erik, I cannot find your email – and I’m too rushed to search for it – but I just have to say THANK YOU for sending me The End of the Affair and for remembering our conversation about Graham Greene – that was so so nice of you, and it really means a lot. It’s a beautiful copy of the book, too – just lovely.
I am now deeply engrossed in Billy Budd – and loving every homoerotic second of it – but I will probably finish it this weekend and bump it off the list.
Next up? The End of the Affair – thank you so much! I’m excited!
(To anyone who doesn’t know Erik – here is his blog. He’s wonderful.)
You’re welcome! I can’t wait for you to read The End of the Affair, you’re going to love it. I’ve read it at least five times, but it’s been several years–I need to read it again soon. I couldn’t stand the thought of you never having read it, so I had to send it to you!
I just finished The Feast of Love by Charlie Baxter. I’d never heard of it (or of him) before, but found it incredibly moving and read it in one sitting. The narrative shifts between six characters, as they talk about what love means to them. It’s so simple that it almost shouldn’t work, but it does, it does, it does.
Oh, and I had the SAME exact reaction to Billy Budd when I had to read it in high school too! Now it sounds HOT. Back in high school, I was so concerned with NOT being gay, or not SEEMING gay, that I’m sure I actively avoided noticing any homoeroticism in the book. I must read it again, and soon.
Erik – I am excited to read it. Thank you again!
And yes. Billy Budd becomes this statuesque Greek guy, a “specimen”, if you will – and Melville’s descriptions of him are completely objectifying. In a hot way. hahaha It’s an interesting book – I picked up on none of the themes in high school – it’s all about mutinies, and the French Revolution, and warfare – I just didn’t get it at the time. I also did not pick up on the fact that a whirling disco ball hovered above all of the events – but now it is so obvious to me!
All kidding aside, I am enjoying it second time around!