Supernatural, Season 10, Episode 10: Open Thread


Seeing a play tonight and this is a 4-deadline week. Knocked two out of the way, two more to go, so I’ll be scarce round these parts. Have fun. Catch up with you all when I clear my desk.

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96 Responses to Supernatural, Season 10, Episode 10: Open Thread

  1. Grean says:

    I enjoyed this ep and I am hoping everyone appreciated Sam’s wet hair.
    I could have done with less of Claire, I just am not feeling this actress.
    Dean and Sam moments abounded and I loved having them together and talking with each other.
    Of course I wanted Dean to kill one last thing but alas Cas and Sam saved Metatron from Dean’s delightfully sexy menacing torture. I could have watched hours of that. I am sure I will recall bunches of other things. Oh damn yes, LOL Crowley literally jumped at the chance to see Dean. Dear lord that was funny.

  2. Helena says:

    //I am hoping everyone appreciated Sam’s wet hair.//

    I know I did, not least because this was possibly the first time in 10 seasons that the Winchesters have stood in the rain and actually got their hair wet. I was beginning to think that somewhere in the Winchester DNA was a bit of the famously water repellent Herdwick sheep.

  3. Pat says:

    This episode was OK, but it was a little disjointed. Seemed like a lot of different plot lines were crammed into 40+ minutes and some scenes left me scratching my head: Crowley being duped by his mother – Crowley can’t be that naive; Claire wanting to kill Dean, Cas wanting Dean to talk to Claire, those two people who were ready to murder a man on the words of a teenager. The scene where Dean came to the RV to see Claire was weird – it ended abruptly and I would have thought that the MOC would have set Dean on a berserker-like kill spree. I would have loved to see the convo between Dean and Claire after he figured out what she did.

    Can’t say I’m a big fan of Claire, so I wasn’t sad to see her go. Also, she should have taken Metatron with her – I don’t feel his character at all but I did like Dean menacing him. MOC Dean is never not welcome. I liked the bunker scenes with Sam, Cas and Dean – hope Cas is able to stick around with the boys for a while.

    • sheila says:

      Yes, I wanted the Dean/Claire talk too! Wondering if they shot it and then cut it, due to time issues. There was a lot to cover here.

  4. sheila says:

    Notes jotted down while watching:

    John Badham. Freakin’ John Badham directed!! (it’s not his first SPN episode, but still – I guess it’s just sinking in for me). I mean, War Games John Badham! Which nicely deepens the title of the episode.

    The demon stuff is warming up – or let’s say I’m warming up to it – I like the Shakespearean feel of a King surrounded by enemies in his own court. Crowley’s dream was totally the killing of Caesar on the steps- and the soothsayer (i.e. his Mum) warning him about the “ides of March” as well as Portia begging her husband not to go out to work that day, she’s got a bad bad feeling. I still could do without the cliched set.

    Dean – mirror moment! Count those mirror moments, people! Mirrors are so important, so important for Dean, and for us. Season 9 was a highpoint of Mirror Moments, but they’ve been there throughout. This was a really good one. Henry Fonda has a similar moment staring at himself in a cracked mirror in The Long Night.

    “There may be another way.” – Castiel, in re getting rid of the Mark. Uhm, maybe you could have mentioned that months ago?

    The lighting on Dean’s face when he first appears in the dungeon stepping into his closeup – now THAT’S what I’m talking about. Beauty. With a capital B. And dark and glamorous. Like the very first shot of him in the police station in the pilot that I went on about in my re-cap. – It’s hard to light a face like that. The nose coming out into the light, everything else in soft shadow – it’s a very glamorous look – It’s GORGEOUS.

    “Moose. You’re the sane one. You on board with this?” Laughing out loud.

    Dean said “trifecta.” I’m happy about it.

    I like Castiel in a domestic drama, weirdly enough. I wasn’t on board before, since in general Castiel is boring me to DEATH, but I like that Sam and Dean were the ones oriented towards action and plot in this episode – in comparison to Crowley, with his Mummy issues, and Castiel with daughter issues. For me, the flip-flop worked. It felt all tied together – the treachery of parental figures, the vulnerability of troubled kids who rely on adults to look out for them, all that.

    “I like texting. Emoticons.” It’s that kind of writing that is a turn-off for me in how Castiel is presented. I suppose I’ll get over it someday. It’s so pandering. Yuk. I’m sure the Castiel fans squeal in approval. It does nothing for me. I like him fierce and mysterious, deadpan and clueless. Oh well.

    Hell of a death-fall there, Guthrie. Impressive. He fell backwards onto the floor. In a one-shot. No cut-aways.

    Great scene with Metatron. Powerhouse on both sides. Great build, too. Metatron getting punched – great physical work. He can’t move – he has to react to the punch, without moving the rest of his body. “Bucko.” “Slugger.”

    Mark of Cain: this is making me think of my own illness and its horrible strength – its siren call – that’s how I experience it – and how the rigors of Cognitive Therapy actually does ward it off. But I have to work HARD at it. Sam’s comment about how there’s a part of Dean that WANTS to answer the siren call … rang a bell for me.

    I love the grifter-girl’s chin dimple.

    Dean in fugue state with the axe – it’s all in the eyes. He’s not conscious, he has to be jerked back to himself.

    Castiel driving his pimp car alongside Claire. Great visual.

    And beautiful shot of Claire in rear view mirror with the yellow autumn leaves behind her.

    More thoughts:
    I did not find the episode disjointed at all. I felt that each storyline had similar themes – and it didn’t feel herky-jerky or shoehorned in in an artificial way like some of the earlier episodes where they really were trying to do too much.

    Each scene on its own was entertaining. That, to me, is a huge WIN. There was no lag-time, no scenes with no “oomph” to them – unlike earlier in the season with the angel whose name I have already forgotten, the one who crushed on Castiel. Hannah. Now those were some disjointed episodes because who the hell cares about Hannah. I don’t. Here – each plot line – Sam/Dean/Metatron, Castiel/Claire, Dean/His mum … had a thru-line, objectives, obstacles, and each one was entertaining.

    The stakes aren’t life or death – or I guess they are for Dean – but I like SPN when the stakes aren’t apocalyptic-high. This is really personal stuff – how will DEAN survive, etc. etc. – and (for me) that’s when SPN is the strongest.

    I liked Sam a lot here. I’ve loved him throughout – he’s really playing support staff this season, but he makes it so specific, so smart. I loved his wet hair. I loved his listening, and his trailing behind Dean through the bunker, arguing. Very nice. I love their scene work.

    • sheila says:

      John Badham also directed “First Born,” a stellar episode – and so there’s a nice dovetail, at least subject-matter wise – between these two episodes.

  5. Pat says:

    Did I forget a scene where it was explained that someone found a way to difuse an angel’s power? I don’t understand why Metatron is powerless in a devil’s trap in the bunker.
    I comprehend that he would have a problem getting out of the cell in Heaven’s prison – it was built by other angels who know what needed to keep their charges inside. Was it ever said that the Winchesters or MOL had found a “cage” for the hosts?

  6. mutecypher says:

    Apropos to our “Playthings” discussions, there was another Kubrick nod with Dean’s comment about “what do you think it will be like when HAL takes over?”

    I’m bummed that I couldn’t find any Milanese witches named Letitia di Albioni to research.

    I thought it was a well-done episode that set the second half of the season in motion with some good story lines. I’m hoping to understand what’s up with Crowley – that one is really intriguing me. Why is he so off his game? I’m hoping he gets to torture his mum the way Dean got to torture Metatron (but I’m sick that way).

    And Dean in the shadows was epic/monumental/awesome, he had a freaking Jaws-level of menace (and not the Richard Kiel Jaws).

    • sheila says:

      Yeah – this Dean when he gets angry feels different than other angry Deans. It’s like he calms him down AS he’s all raging.

      (Reminds me of the Cat-scan-type studies done on psychopaths in these very controversial studies by Robert Hare and other people. One of the things they found was that people who aren’t psychopaths – or who don’t “rate” on the Psychopath Scale get spikes of adrenaline when they are shown violent images, or even hear a violent word. Psychopaths have the opposite when they see violent images or hear violent words like “murder” or “rape” or whatever – they calm down. Either they have no reaction, or their stress level DEcreases. Pretty chilling. Robert Hare writes a lot about in his big Psycho book.)

      So there’s this eerie calm-ness – or maybe just adrenaline – in Dean’s anger that feels very different from other times Dean has been all rage-boy in the series. It’s fun to watch.

      And is Crowley yearning to be human? How’s his 12-step program going staying off human blood? I’m not sure what’s happening either. He seems tremendously bored with power. which is pretty interesting.

      Emotionally, this episode felt very much intact, very focused.

  7. Barb says:

    //And Dean in the shadows was epic/monumental/awesome, he had a freaking Jaws-level of menace (and not the Richard Kiel Jaws).// Absolutely agree, mutecypher and Shelia!

    When I watched this, I remarked on the pinpoints of light on his eyes, and my husband said, “they could almost be demon eyes.” Indeed they could–shark’s eyes, too.

  8. Helena says:

    //I had to look up Herdwick sheep.//

    Herdwicks are awesome. Someone mentioned them on the radio this morning just after I’d watched the ep, and I immediately thought of Sam’s wet hair.

    I’ve watched this ep twice now, and some thoughts:

    One of the actors is called Stormy Ent.

    Now, a word from Fashion Police: Jesus, a total plaid-astrophe! Dean’s godawful plaid shirt, definitely worst plaid shirt everrrr. There have been some stinkers in the past but this was the KRAKATOA of Army and Navy-sourced fashion disasters. TOTES redeemed by lovely red shirt in park scene at the end. Sam also wearing horrible shirt, but he has Horrible Shirt History, and this was not his worst.

    A lot going on. Crowley and Mum. Loved the Oedipus Complex, Shakespearian thing going on. Julius Caesar – tick. Macbeth (via Kurasawa’s Ugly Carved Throne of Blood) – tick. Hamlet – tick. Iago for good measure. And three witches rolled into one. Loved loved loved Edina’s white eye-roll. And that funny chicken thing she makes out of an old tie and the remains of dinner. Loved that Crowley took first excuse to rush out the house and escape his mum. Loved the First Blade Silk Lined Presentation Box. First Blade is the same shape as Chile. But I don’t believe that’s where Crowley keeps his silk ties. I think he has a walk in wardrobe.

    John Badham (John Badham! Oh my god!!! I didn’t notice – sometimes the credits take so long to get to director my mind has ceased to pay attention.) makes Supernatural look expensive again. And he directed First Born, my favourite episode (today) of Season 9.

    I don’t think Dean and Claire had a conversation at the end. Eyes met. Looks were exchanged. Thoughts were thinked. Slate wiped clean(ish). Nuff said. Also, worst idea EVER to get them to meet. Castiel, what’s the emoticon for ‘stupid bliddy idiot angel’?

    Favourite shot? Sam sitting at his world map illuminated table. I mean, the Dean/HAL monster in the shadows one was awesome, and we were definitely due some loveliness in that department, but Sam looked like something out of Hergé, and Tintin was one of my first loves (Dean really reminds me of Snowy.) Second favourite? Dean’s legs, at any given moment – those legs are eloquent, man, they look like they’re having their own conversation. I liked what they were saying to each other in that little wander over to the bench in front of Claire’s Caravan of Crazy. Ok, that’s just me then.

  9. Natalie says:

    New semester, so I don’t have much time, but wanted to stop in…

    When I saw how Dean was lit in the dungeon, my very first thought was, “I’ll bet Sheila is loving this.” Lol.

    I love, love, love, love, LOVE everything about Crowley and Rowena. I don’t have a clue where it’s going, and I don’t even care anymore. I just hope they take their sweet time getting there.

    Quick off-topic question: if I were to create a facebook group for us (say, something like SPN Sister-Wives and Friends) as a place for between-episode/recap and off-topic discussions, as well as the option of connecting beyond our user names here, would anyone be interested?

  10. mutecypher says:

    //I like the Shakespearean feel of a King surrounded by enemies in his own court.//
    // He seems tremendously bored with power. which is pretty interesting.//

    Perhaps he’ll discover three long-lost daughters and decide to cede the kingdom to them. That always ends well.

    How do you retire from being the King of Hell? And Dean. He was a genius at violence (taking Phoenix ash with a shot of whiskey in case Eve bit him – frackin’ A!). And now he has the gift of being perfect at violence. It completes him – as long as he has the mark. As Sam remarked, some part of Dean must want to use the MOC. How could he not? How do you pass up the chance to be perfect at something that you were already great at? Yet he has to, since the gift doesn’t seem to be something he can reliably restrain himself against using on the merely criminal. And Crowley was The Salesman – Mr. Contract, “we keep our word.” Now he can’t stand to read a contract? Has he read anything put before him this season? Dean and Crowley: their braid has not come unraveled yet. Wanting something, not wanting what you have, hating something that you are good at.

    Don’t you love it?

    I was thinking about David Cronenberg’s A History of Violence – where Viggo’s character has a lot of similarities with Dean. And Viggo’s son appears to inherit his father’s gift for violence. Be careful what how wish for, ladies who want to bear Dean’s son.

  11. Michelle says:

    Enjoyed last nights episode a lot. I obviously wasn’t the only one affected by that dungeon shot of Dean standing in the shadows….incredible! I loved every moment between Dean and Metatron. In the battle of words between them Metatron was giving as good as he got and the intensity between the two was a sheer viewing pleasure.

    The Winchesters and Crowley together are an utter delight. They are all cell phone buddies now and I’m pretty sure Crowley is on speed dial in Dean’s phone. The fact that Dean calls and Crowley drops everything to rush off and meet him was hilarious. Of course now I’m wondering…..where exactly is Crowley residing? Surely it’s not actually hell. I know cell phone carriers are always striving to improve their coverage areas but I’m kind of doubting that any of them would reach there!! :-)

    I too am loving Sam this season…a lot. I am also enjoying the way the brothers are being with each other right now. Even in the midst of all the MOC worries and Dean on a constant tightrope ready to snap there seems to be a level of ease between them that has been missing for a long time. They still argue with each other, they disagree, Sam hovers sometimes, and Dean still puts up huge walls, but the bitter edge between them from last season seems to have disappeared and they do seem to be really listening to each other and talking thing out better.

  12. May says:

    I was going to post something, and then I read this: “One of the actors is called Stormy Ent.”

    Now I can’t think of anything else. I can’t even… I’m a terrible, terrible person.

  13. May says:

    OK. I think I can do this now…

    I love Rowena. She is so fun. Crowely…now there is someone who should be careful what they wish for (I stand by me declaration, mutecypher. I’ll take my chances :-P). Looks a little like being King isn’t nearly as fun as the scheming to get there.

    Sam has been pretty amazing. They are being so honest! It is a nice change. Feels like real progress. I really hope the MOC sticks around for a while. Not that I want the angst drawn out. I just don’t want it resolved quickly. I’d like to see some lasting consequences to this. Like how seemingly casually the level of collateral damage has increased over the years. If they can use the MOC story to decrease that, to make them care about the human vessels, etc, again, SPN may permanently cement itself as my all time favourite show.

    I also loved that shot of Dean-in-shadow.

    Maybe it is just my innate (somewhat northern and a bit rural) Canadianness, but why the plaid hate?

    Natalie — //Quick off-topic question: if I were to create a facebook group for us (say, something like SPN Sister-Wives and Friends) as a place for between-episode/recap and off-topic discussions, as well as the option of connecting beyond our user names here, would anyone be interested?//

    I’d join up. Of course, then you’d all find out that my name isn’t really May/. DUN DUN DUUUUUUN.

  14. Natalie says:

    May (or whoever you are ;-), good enough for me. Here’s the link for whoever wants to join up:

  15. mutecypher says:

    May –
    // but why the plaid hate?//

    I liked his plaid shirt, I remember thinking “hey, that’s a good one”. It reminded me of an old favorite of mine. Perhaps I should avoid going out in public. Yikes. But I really liked when he switched to the red one when he went to visit Claire. I flashed on Spike from BtVS with the red shirt – though Spike was always in black except for the red and Dean was in deep brown. He did look much better in the red.

    Oh crap, will Dean be the Spike to Claire’s Buffy? Will he go from someone she hates to “her champion?” Will he have dreams of drowning in footwear before they go into battle together? Dear god, I hope not.

    • sheila says:

      I didn’t mind the plaid shirt in this episode – it was the white-ish one with the red plaid that he wore in the Golum episode (and a couple others) that I really disliked.

  16. Grean says:

    Natalie, I want to join I do, but I just can’t abide any group where I am a sister-wife. Shudders. Is there some other name that appeals to you?

  17. Natalie says:

    Lol, I’m open to changing the name. Any suggestions?

  18. Helena says:

    //Lol, I’m open to changing the name. Any suggestions?//

    The Stormy Ents?

  19. Helena says:

    //Maybe it is just my innate (somewhat northern and a bit rural) Canadianness, but why the plaid hate?//

    I don’t actually hate it per se, but every plaid shirt worn is a henley opportunity lost.

  20. Jessie says:

    You know how when you’re learning an instument and the level one book is like lesson 2, heavy metal, an example bass line for a heavy metal song is six bars open E, one bar G, one bar A and you try it and you think to yourself if this is heavy metal I’d rather core out my eardrums with fire ants than ever listen to it again.

    Anyway, I have reached the point of no return with Dean’s ringtone.

  21. Helena says:

    //I’d rather core out my eardrums with fire ants than ever listen to it again.//

    It manages to sound like at least two classic riffs (turned upsidedown) without actually being a riff you would ever want to listen to for its own sake.

  22. Jessie says:

    What worries me Helena is that he’s had how many opportunities to change it? How many seasons, how many burners? Like his phone gets chewed by a warg or falls in lava while he’s following Sam out of Hades or something and he’s like goddammit, now I have to spend another 99c on downloading my precious ringtone again.

  23. Helena says:

    //What worries me Helena is that he’s had how many opportunities to change it? //

    I know … that’s the really weird part, isn’t it? I mean, who does that?

    On the other hand, he must have a dozen phones at any one time – his phone, his other phone, his other other phone, dad’s phone, dad’s other phone, dad’s other other phone, and so on ad infinitum.

  24. Helena says:

    //the red plaid that he wore in the Golum episode (and a couple others) that I really disliked.//

    Oh god, Sheila, that one’s definitely on my burn-it-in-the-lavas-of-hell list. And there’s the brown one coming up in the Mandroid episode. Bleee. (Sorry, Canadians, no offence meant.)

    On a related fashion note, here’s a picture (top right picture of man without head, not the sheep) of Mr D Winchester modelling a sweater made from his genetic twin, the Herdwick sheep. Shame his head got cropped off, but never mind. As you can see from the photo he’s about to test its famous water-repelling qualities by stepping backwards into that river.

  25. Helena says:

    //Perhaps he can’t wear henleys now. Too cozy. He’s not feeling very cozy at the moment.//

    I know, I get it … henleys are for cuddly moments. We’re not there yet.

  26. Helena says:

    //Considering the power rush brought to him by the Mark, he should change his ringtone to this.//


    Considering the episode was directed by John Badham he should change his ringtone to Disco Inferno. Or maybe Stayin’ Alive.

  27. Jessie says:

    My fav song from that album Sheila! Unholy. Hurry up with my damn pie indeed. Although perhaps POWER might be even more fitting. Disturbingly.

    Helena ha ha! I loved seeing one of those quantum state phones pop back up in the Murder Most Horrid episode.

  28. sheila says:

    I also love your observations, Helena, about JA’s legs. Even if you saw a photograph without his head – you’d know the legs.

  29. Helena says:

    //you’d know the legs.//

    After 9 and a bit seasons I feel I know them personally, by name. And both JA and JP have long legs, which isn’t necessarily the case with tall people. And now I’m going to stop because this whole line of thinking is beginning to make me blush.

    • sheila says:


      And speaking of legs, JP uses his long ones well as well. His whole “I lost my shoe” thing … I am fascinated by people who are THAT tall who are also graceful with it. Not that “I lost my shoe” is graceful – hahaha – but that he is not stiff as a board with his gigantor propensities. He’s fluid with it.

      JA is stiffer somehow – the bow legs very cowboy-ish – but it makes him move funny when he wants to. Like him hustling along the street, terrified of the red-hatted fairy across the street – how he makes his legs do these little teeny steps, hoping to make himself invisible. It’s ridiculous, but so hilarious.

      • sheila says:

        JP falling down in the rabbit’s foot episode. Similar to Cary Grant – whom Jessie and I are discussing right now in another thread!! – who was equally as tall, and equally as nimble – funny with pratfalls. It’s rare to see someone so tall flip themselves up and over and around like that. It’s so funny!

  30. Jessie says:

    Spill then Helena, what are their legs’ names?

  31. Helena says:

    //Spill then Helena, what are their legs’ names?//

    JA’s legs are a duo which goes under the stage name of Stormy Ent. They even got their own credit this episode!

    JP’s I don’t know. We haven’t been formally introduced.

  32. Helena says:

    Also the advantage of legs is that they are never clothed in plaid. Unless we have an episode with kilts, which a) I would totally support and b) may be on the cards what with all the Scottish connections.

    • sheila says:

      They need to be in kilts. Seeing JA wear a kilt in Ten Inch Hero in the scene where he goes OFF on people judging him for buying tampons is one of the best parts of that movie. Complete with fake blow-job gesture. And mohawk.

      And they don’t seem like plaid pajamas types. Well, maybe Dean does. I would endorse them in head to toe plaid if it were pajamas.

  33. May says:

    //Lol, I’m open to changing the name.//

    Yeah, I could see how “Sister-wives” could put some people off…

    Suggestions. Hmmm.

    //The Stormy Ents?// Well, I will never not love this.

    Henleys VS Plaid

  34. Helena says:

    //And they don’t seem like plaid pajamas types.//

    Or pyjamas of any type. These days they seem to just lie down in their day clothes and boots and fall asleep.

  35. Helena says:

    //JA’s legs are a duo which goes under the stage name of Stormy Ent//

    But their real names are, on the right, Eric Morecambe, with Ernie Wise on the left (it’s a little bit shorter.)

    (That’s a totally British joke which you are probably unlikely to get so I apologise in advance.)

  36. Lyrie says:

    I’m so relieved to see that I wasn’t the only one noticing The Legs when he was near that bench.

    Helena: // every plaid shirt worn is a henley opportunity lost. //
    This is beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes.

    Maybe I’m becoming a Canadian faster than expected (sorry, Quebec), because I’m OK with the plaid, all of the plaid. As long as the jeans stay tight like they’ve been for a few seasons. Although, of course, I like the red shirt much better. The red shirt = the DEMON SHIRT. Damn, Dean is so hot when he’s all demon-y.

    Mutecypher: I love that you talk about Buffy so much. I love Spike (and Dru!). I may have a thing for vampires trying to redeem themselves, I don’t know. What does that say about me? I don’t care. Gimme the Spikes and the Bennies, yes please.

    I like that the conversation with Claire didn’t happen. It was all silent, but the act and the looks told more than words could have, in my opinion.

    I want to like Castiel’s story, I like the theme, I love the idea of it, but I don’t seem to be able to care about what actually happens on screen. I hope this will change, because it makes me sad. I used to love Castiel so much.
    And he can shove his emoticons up his angel’s ass. Seriously.

    Crowley is off his game and I love that.
    The first time we saw Hell (or whatever this place is), I enjoyed it a lot: I didn’t see it as really representing Hell, but I imagined it was created by the mind and the mood of the king. Like a mental space, or something. But seeing that guy who loves silk ties (if you think he won’t notice you cut them, Evil-Bitch-Mom…) and the finest whiskeys spend all of his time in this dump… This is getting ridiculous.

    The brothers are so different with each other. There’s an openness that’s very touching.

    I won’t be joining on Facebook – I don’t even have an account. You’ll have to stay here to know my own story about body parts and names.

  37. Helena says:

    //I imagined it was created by the mind and the mood of the king. //

    that corridor with the columns really reminded me of the convent (St Aloitius?) in Season 4 finale where all the nuns get murdered and Lilith appears. So I can see how it might appeal … on the other hand, I don’t see Crowley as someone who would keep all his (identical) silk ties in a tin cupboard. And Hell’s filing system looks an utter mess.

    More on the set dressing front: that big neon Astoria sign has been used before – was it for Sam’s love hotel in Season 4 Ep 1. Tho they seem to have installed new lights and redecorated a bit since then.

    //I’m so relieved to see that I wasn’t the only one noticing The Legs when he was near that bench.//

    Any episode, however problematic or laden with boring angels, can be redeemed by a good Legs Moment. I wasn’t super taken with Murder Most Horrid episode this season but it had a great Legs moment in it which is now the only thing I can remember. Or put another way, which I can’t forget.

  38. mercedes says:

    hello everyone. hey helena, those legs… hum, they look to me more like ” Fry and Laurie”, before Laurie became Dr. House. also the t-shirt is shorter than usual and the shirt is giving away explicit contours down below and the camera lingers way too much. i almost expected a close- up but not. hum…

    behold, the river shall end at the source. river jordan? a dip into those purifiying waters to release MOC?

  39. Helena says:

    // ” Fry and Laurie”//

    Hahaha! Yes, maybe any comedy duo would do – Hope and Crosby, Abbot and Costello, Reeves and Mortimer, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore …

  40. Terri says:

    Legs? I think I’ve seen “Fan Fiction” at least 10 times.

    I can tell you with certainty that I have watched the scene in front of the hotel 100 times. Back, bicep, butt, bowlegs, Baby, brother: bravo.

    And set to the throaty vocals of Gordon Lightfoot? It’s just unfair. I did read that Kim Rhodes had to bail on the live-tweeting during that episode due to—rewinding issues.

  41. Helena says:

    //Okay, I’m not remembering the legs moment of which you speak. Can you refresh my memory?//

    Nyagggn, I’m kind of cringing with embarassment because this is my extremely personal reaction and writing it down feels a bit Penthouse forum … OK, it’s the scene where Dean is walking down a corridor and discovers the secret door to the (flowers in) the attic and opens it. So it kind of goes from close ups as he discovers the way in to a long shot from way down the corridor of Dean pausing in front of the open door. And as Dean pauses we look at Dean pausing. You see him from the side – the posture is kind of Michelangelo’s David contraposto: weight on one leg, the other knee bent and ball of that foot just making contact with the ground, ready to step forward or back if necessary (eloquent, see?). Head cocked to one side. Long, long legs, big clumpy boots, delicate pose. Whole thing lasts a split second. That’s it. For me, it’s a Very Legs Moment.

  42. Helena says:

    (Really could do with Stevie’s help here.)

    • sheila says:

      Ha!! He is awesome that way, isn’t he.

      And no shame. I like your observations and now will have to go back and look at it.

      There’s also this, that adds to the overall right-ness of our discussion here.

      Weird – today is Lord Byron’s birthday and I put up a post about him. I remembered that Camille Paglia had written about him in Sexual Personae so I pulled out my copy. I had forgotten that she had compared him (at length) to Elvis. It’s kind of interesting stuff – about the “androgyne” as she calls it – and these strongly masculine men who present themselves in extremely open feminine ways and she caught a lot of parallels between Byron and Presley. Yes, she’s “out there,” but that’s one of the reasons I love her.

      These aesthetic natural qualities – how someone’s legs move – is all a part of this weird natural charisma thing that keeps coming up in our conversations about JA in particular. Best is he DOESN’T appear aware of it – it’s just part of who he is, and he’s free enough to just be who he is onscreen as someone else.

  43. Helena says:

    //These aesthetic natural qualities – how someone’s legs move –//

    Let’s put it this way, I’ve never really noticed Robert Mitchum’s legs, though I’m sure he has some and I’m definitely going to pay more attention now. RM has eloquent shoulders and chest, though, not to mention extremely talkative eyelids.

  44. Helena says:

    That photo is just swell. Very eloquent legs.

    Toshiro Mifune had a very eloquent rear and is the only actor I know who could scowl in disapproval with his backside.

  45. Jessie says:

    Today I went to the op shop where Sam and Dean must buy all their clothes.

    You got me good with Morecambe and Wise, Helena, I laughed my socks off.

    Despite rather a lot of clunky dialogue overall I actually didn’t mind Cas’s emoticons business because it felt to me like he was playing the clown to cheer Dean up, which I thought was kinda sweet. His demeanour changed completely when he turned to Sam.

    Like y’all I agree the major take away was Sam’s wet hair, I mean the Dean-Metatron convos. Armstrong impressed me in his closeups and the power dynamics. I would one day like to see an end to ‘tie bad guy to chair with big chains and threaten him with torture’ scenes but this was pretty spectacularly filmed.

    Talking physicality, I continue to enjoy Ruth Connell’s precise high-tea, ballerina, Morticia-like Rowena. Good fun. I want to see her lose it.

  46. Natalie says:

    For those interested, I changed the name to Henleys vs. Plaid. I suspect that may not be the last name change, and I’m still open to suggestions. But now you don’t have to be a sister-wife if you don’t want to.

    Lyrie, I’ll definitely still be around here. And I’ll stop hijacking the episode discussion now :-)

  47. Helena says:

    //the op shop where Sam and Dean must buy all their clothes.//

    hahaha! Bulk orders only!

  48. Helena says:

    //the posture is kind of Michelangelo’s David contraposto//

    And it seems Kim Rhodes thinks along the same lines. Ah, Sherrif Jodie, come back already!

  49. Lyrie says:

    // that corridor with the columns really reminded me of the convent (St Aloitius?) in Season 4 finale where all the nuns get murdered and Lilith appears. So I can see how it might appeal … on the other hand, I don’t see Crowley as someone who would keep all his (identical) silk ties in a tin cupboard. And Hell’s filing system looks an utter mess. //
    That’s why it was fun (for me) the first time, before it became a regular set. But it has gotten old and very ridiculous.

    I haven’t talked about Metatron, yet. Curtis Armstrong does an amazing job, right? I’ve rarely hated a character the way I hate Metatron. He always looks like he’s a step ahead of everybody, even when he’s chained and locked in a cell. It’s so good to watch two actors bringing out so much in each other in a confrontational scene (I’m not sure I’m explaining it well, but I’m sure you understand).
    (I also say this because I’m still raving about a scene I saw yesterday in Angels in America: Jeffrey Wright Vs. Al Pacino? That was SOMETHING. Sorry. I know it’s outside the subject, but I know here I’ll find people who understand how I can be obsessed with that scene.)

    One of the things I love about this show : a character being able to say, very literally: “You killed me”.

  50. mutecypher says:

    //One of the things I love about this show : a character being able to say, very literally: “You killed me”.//

    One of the things about a show with such rich character development is that an exchange like the following gets to be hysterical

    Dean: Win-win, huh! Win-win!

    Crowley: Stop that.

    Maybe some of Crowley did rub off on Dean. Ewww.

  51. Helena says:

    By the way, of possible interest to Supernatural fans, today is National Pie Day.

    And apparently it was Squirrel Appreciation Day on Wednesday.

  52. mutecypher says:

    Loved the flying squirrels.

    We can look forward to the upcoming Winter Moose Day.

  53. mercedes says:

    hello. i have read that there are spn conventions around europe and i know for sure that i wouldn’t hesitase to make all kinds of arrangements to meet any of you guys, i would go througthout every stuff to get american visa to get to meet you, sheila, mutecypher, grean, all of you guys and i know it is easy to meet us, the europeans but to actually meet THE GRACE OF GOD ON EARTH aca Jensen Ackles, in person… flesh and blood… i need a strongest force for me to make that effort.

  54. sheila says:

    I’m so behind in comments – bah! I’ve been reading along – it’s awesome.

    Three deadlines met this wee – got the last one to bump off today. Then I can take a nap. And catch up with SPN stuff!

  55. Jill says:

    And let’s not forget tomorrow is Dean Winchester’s birthday.

  56. Grean says:

    Legs, I missed a legs convo. I’ve got two, one from a very early season, Dean is running past a downed Sam after blasting a ghoul into her grave. He moves like a dancer, just so fluid, running and then leaping into the grave. Just one of the most awesome physical moments. I’ve seen it in slow mo somewhere I wish I had it or a link but I don’t. His legs, damn he can move.
    The other is Endverse, Dean running from a ton of Croats, he is moving, it is a true thing of beauty. Legs, who knew those bowlegs were so fast or agile. Just gorgeous. I will have to think on Sam I know he has them, Leg scenes of great moment. I just find it easier to remember Deans.

    Hello Mercedes, would love to have the where withal to visit you in Europe, alas my purse won’t support my caviar taste. Keep a look out for the guys they usually make it to Rome, I believe once a year for a con.

  57. Helena says:

    // Legs, who knew those bowlegs were so fast or agile.//

    Grean, love that Legs Scenes of Great Moment. And great choice – I have also studied that Croatoan sequence in some detail. Looking forward to your list of Sam’s Legs Moments.

    Sheila, this is the LM of which I spake from the Murder Most Horrid ep

    • sheila says:

      Yeah, that running-from-Croats scene is some of his best physical work – it’s totally thrilling!!

      I love that little screen-grab-gif. Yes, I know the moment you mean now – there’s that delicacy there, that he has – which is odd, considering how tall he is, and how … what’s the word … un-thin he is. He radiates solidity and “I am here” with his body – but there’s that weird tippy-toe grace thing he’s got too.

  58. mercedes says:

    hi G. i suppose the fluidity of JA is got to do with him being a jock in high school. i have read somewhere that he played baseball and lacroche and was very into sports. my personal theory about intersticial fluidity ( i just made this up) and our own personal energy it eithers pushes you or pulls you to and fro inanimated objets, human creations or supernatural entities. our vibrational frecuency works this out on a whim . it is independent from human senses. this is to say that i can “see” all those layers of energy being pushed in and about JA when he moves his body. there are people and entities who sucks energy from the intersticial fluidity to move around and people who converge in a fluid dinamic with the universe, JA, and it is pleassing to watch.

    about conventions… there are soooooo many fluidities for me to counteract… and the uk and italy cons are too easy to deal with. i need a challenge so maybe germany. never been there, don’t speak german, MAYOR world war 2 side efects going on strong, of supernatural nature, and rivers i want to see.

    the supernatural stuff, the real things i deal with ,is the reason for watching the series. and it is really funny that it doesn’t bother anybody!!!!

  59. Barb says:

    There’s a Winter Moose Day? How did I miss that? And National Pie Day–We get to celebrate that twice, right? Next one is on 3.14–

    With regards to conventions, I’ve been dying to tell someone this, so I hope this is an ok place. This last week I managed to talk my husband out of a new couch in favor of attending the con in Vancouver in August! eeep—now I just have to negotiate the photo op opportunities–

    Anyone else here considering this one?

    • sheila says:

      Have fun! I mean, who needs a new couch, right? Report back!!

      I’m not a convention person, can’t deal with crowds, and the convention set-up doesn’t appeal to me – would go to one of the big ones if I could get press accreditation. I could deal with the crowds if I was getting paid to cover it. :)

  60. mutecypher says:

    Barb –

    If there’s a disadvantage to being a US citizen, it’s our calendar. People who live in countries with a day/month/year order rather than our month/day/year order get to celebrate pi day on July 22. 22/7 (3.142857 etc) is actually a better approximation of pi than 3.14. But that’s the only disadvantage I can think of.

    So rock on Poles and Spaniards and anyone else with a day/month/year calendar. According to Wikipedia, Canadians use all three orders: Big-endian (year/month/day), Little-endian (day/month/year), and Middle-endian( month/day/year) – depending upon the document. Smart going Canucks, you get pi day twice a year! And plaid is good for hiding any stains if you spill a little.

  61. Helena says:

    //but there’s that weird tippy-toe grace thing he’s got too.//
    Exactly. There’s something soooo precise and delicate going in with the placement of the feet. Like a centaur in point shoes. It’s beautiful to watch. It’s astonishing.

    I love it when a director just gets this. And that’s why I can’t remember much else about that episode. I mean, who cares?

    And also that’s why I am disappointed that there has not been a Gene Kelly homage episode. Because both JA and JP would kill it.

  62. May says:

    //Smart going Canucks, you get pi day twice a year! And plaid is good for hiding any stains if you spill a little.//

    We know what’s important.

  63. Amy says:

    My girlfriend swears that Dean’s ringtone sounds (to her) like Scorpion’s “Rock You Like A Hurricane.” My response to that?:
    “Well, that’s appropriate since we Dean!Girls want to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane.”
    I don’t hear it, though. But, man, I hate his frigging ringtone.

  64. Amy says:

    And because I don’t know how to not hit the Post Comment button before I’m done commenting:
    Sam had a Great Legs Moment in this episode. When he’s in the dungeon with his brother and Metatron and just perched on the edge of the table, one leg dangling there while his other foot rests gently on the floor, one hand on his thigh and the other laying negligently between his legs. It’s that one leg just hanging there, with its ridiculous length and its very stylish and un-Winchester-y boot, mere seconds from being swung back and forth absently as he talks to Metatron about his douchey-ness, that kills me.
    It’s epic and sexy and I may have swooned a little.

  65. Natalie says:

    Re: legs, there’s also a moment in Clap Your Hands when Dean is sneaking into the watch store and finds the fairies working. When he walks into the room the camera starts at his feet and then moves slowly up to his face. It’s a moment that always stood out to me. Is it weird to be jealous of a pair of jeans?

  66. Grean says:

    Always be jealous of their jeans. Imagine being that soft denim wrapping those delectable limbs.

  67. Barb says:

    Dang, mutcypher, you made me do math! I will certainly take my pie days whenever I can get them, US citizenship or no. Gotta get me some more plaid, though–

    Shelia, our couch is only sagging a little. I’m very excited about our trip–but I’ll have to tone it down a bit, since it’s still several months away. I’ll be happy to report back, if you want! I’m with you on crowds, actually, though I’m willing to brave them for this. Someday, I might even wade into the big one, the SD Comic Con–my kids and I watched Morgan Spurlock’s documentary on the Con, and they got excited by the idea of dressing up as stormtroopers. They said I could be some witch character (not sure who they were talking about, can any Star Wars completionists fill me in?) and they would run interference for me through the crowds. Might take them up on that someday.

  68. mutecypher says:

    //mutcypher, you made me do math! //

    I just have a generous nature, no thanks are necessary.

    Was it Asajj Ventress that your kids said you could be? “I am fear. I am the queen of a blood-soaked planet and an architect of genocide. I have helped to crack the galaxy in half with this war and conquered every enemy I have ever faced—including death. ” Asajj Ventress to Obi-Wan Kenobi. You should definitely go as her. She was by far the coolest character in the Clone Wars series. If you don’t mind the shaved head.

    Or perhaps they meant another member of the Nightsisters.

  69. Helena says:

    On the matter of legs, I got very excited by this headline today: ‘Pinterest promises ‘smarter search’ including manly pins for men’, thinking it might be about <a href="; actual manly pins, but turns out Pinterest is just making plaid-themed pinboards to appeal to male users.

  70. Helena says:

    Aw, rats, that html didn’t work out. Here are those manly pins I was hoping for.

  71. May says:

    Barb, re: Star Wars and Comic Con.

    I agree with mutecypher, that it sounds like your kids are referencing Asajj Ventress or the Nightsisters. Also, the Clone Wars cartoon was the best thing about the prequels!

    I’ve been to a couple of different cons (SPN, Fan Expo in Toronto, and San Diego Comic Con). If you ever go to San Diego, just have a plan in advance! It is SUPER crowded and there are so many things going on that you have to pick and choose and prioritize. SPN cons are mostly Q&A panels, autographs and photo-ops, they are smaller, and you have time to do everything.

  72. Barb says:

    Helena, those are some manly pins, indeed! I was slightly obsessed with those pins at one point in my movie-history self-education–

    mutecypher and May–Wow! I don’t know if I’m impressed by Asajj Ventress or worried that my kids thought of me and her as a natural fit! They are avid Clone Wars fans, though, so it might be her. I’ll have to ask them tonight.

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