Richmond Redux

The Mystery Train Blog, run by Troy Y., is one of the most comprehensive and interesting Elvis blogs out there. Troy’s take on Elvis is personal, and comes from a long-lasting obsession (check out his self-created fan club newsletter, created in 1992, the year of the Elvis Stamp Mania). His content is wide-ranging and he comes from a place of both knowledge and passion. So I couldn’t be more pleased that Troy, who hails from Richmond himself, wrote a post about my recent trip to Richmond, saying some very nice things about my writing that I completely appreciate. Thank you very much! It is also interesting to hear how people “find” you on the Internet. I know that I have found some of my favorite sites through very random Google searches on specific topics. So it was cool to hear that Troy found me years ago when he was writing something on baseball movies, and that he also found that tiny teaser post I wrote in 2005 (a post that got ZERO comments at the time), and kept coming back, wondering when I would be “ready”. Haha. Like I said, it only took me six years. Passion has its own clock. You can be passionate about something but not be ready to write about it. Sometimes you have to let things percolate. Clearly, on August 16, 2011, I decided I had percolated long enough! Time to get serious.

Thanks, Troy. Richmond is beautiful and I certainly hope to return.

Please go check out Troy’s post on my trip to Richmond, and make sure you browse through the treasure trove of content over there!

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3 Responses to Richmond Redux

  1. bethann says:

    This blog is how I stumbled upon your page. I do not recall how I found The Mystery Train. Other than a personal interest in starting my own page about my own obessions which would certainly include Elvis, I just happened upon these wonderful pages. But truthfuly, how can one not feel totally intimidated when there are these creative pages out there???

  2. Thanks Sheila. I know you’ve mentioned it before but somehow I hadn’t made it over until now. Great site.

  3. Troy Y. says:

    Glad you enjoyed Richmond, Sheila, and thanks for the link and nice comments. It is surreal to be mentioned on one of my favorite sites.

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