My fellow Americans: Happy 4th.

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7 Responses to My fellow Americans: Happy 4th.

  1. Jim Reding says:

    Such a heartbreaking performance.
    One of my favorite details, which I only picked up on during a recent rewatch, is when she offers Travolta’s Jack a bowl of cereal. It totally fits that Sally would be generous enough to offer him something to eat but not necessarily know how (or have the groceries on hand) to whip up something more complicated at the drop of a hat.

    • sheila says:

      she is amazing. It was a thrill to meet her and get to ask her a question about Vilmos Z when Blow Out screened at Ebertfest. Vilmos had just died so she really warmed to the question. Love her a lot.

    • sheila says:

      and now I want to watch it again to look for the moment you describe!

  2. Jim Reding says:

    Any reason’s a good reason to watch Blow Out.
    I’m happy the critical tide has started to turn with her. I feel like she got a lot of unfair “cast cause she was the director’s wife” shit for a long time. I’m mainly basing that on an SNL commercial parody and a condescending comment a friend made years ago, but I assume it was once a widespread belief.

  3. Brendan O'Malley says:

    also a weird window into where travolta could have gone with his career if he’d stuck it out

    • Jim Reding says:

      I’ve become semi-obsessed with digging up more info on another proposed, never filmed, Travolta/DePalma collaboration. The script, a DePalma original, was titled “Fire” and Travolta was set to star as a Jim Morrison-type who is sent to prison for rape after simulating a sex act on-stage.

      Keith Barish had planned to produce at 20th Century Fox, and Travolta was even going to do a 2-month tour with a rock band, but Barish decided he was unhappy with the script and dropped out.

      It sounds like it could’ve been a real mess, but even DePalma’s messes fascinate me.

      I think this was post-“Scarface” and DePalma ended up doing “Body Double” instead.

      It’s also been suggested that the “Dancing in the Dark” video is partially DePalma’s tribute to this project with never came to fruition, the idea of which is more interesting to me than the video (which I’ve always found sorta bland, considering the amount of talent involved) itself.

      By the way, Brendan, fellow ‘Mats/Westerberg devotee here. I always feel compelled to wave anytime I find one.

  4. Brendan O'Malley says:

    Hey Jim! The Replacements! I was just having a conversation with my son about Westerberg’s solo career and how amazing it all is…great to wave absolutely!

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