I’ve written about Adult Film before here, and had been wanting for a while to sit down and interview one of the founders, Ryan Czerwonko, about what he and his group are up to. Finally, we carved out some space to do it. It’s good timing, too. Adult Film is putting on a night of one-acts in April, and I’d love to encourage people in the New York area to go check out the work this group is doing.
In our interview, we discuss acting training, “helplessness culture” and how it’s impeding actors’ self-expression currently, Stella Adler’s script analysis, Tennessee Williams, John Cassavetes, “talent chi”, Eliza Hittman’s Beach Rats, our shared desire for working-class cinema, and more. Plus: Camille Paglia plays a huge role in this story and it’s always fun to talk to people about her who have actually read her, and not just seen some inflammatory headline in some click-bait article.
Once again, here’s the link (no paywall this time): Creating Space, Symbolically and Literally