Criterion Channel: Coming in July

7 Elvis movies!

More to come.

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2 Responses to Criterion Channel: Coming in July

  1. Tom says:

    I’m very excited about this. Much as I love his music, I’ve never seen a single Elvis movie (aside from like the NBC special and a few of the concert films). This is a good opportunity to right myself.

    I did buy, a couple months ago, the big box of all (well, the vast majority) of Elvis’s lifetime albums, which I’ve been exploring in a very unstructured fashion and enjoying a lot. I only knew maybe half a dozen of his albums *as albums* going in — I’ve got all the great ’90s box sets and a bunch of other releases that organize the music by session — so it’s a lot of fun hearing it in this different context. I’ve been dipping into the soundtrack albums, which were pretty poorly represented in my collection before (and made it easy to justify a large and somewhat redundant purchase). Can’t say they’ve been super great, but they’re fun, if sometimes in an awful and hilarious way. He’s almost always such a joy to listen to as a singer, even when the material is embarrassing.

    So yeah, this timing on the Criterion Channel’s part is fantastic as far as I’m concerned. And that “more to come” intrigues me a great deal.

    • sheila says:

      Tom – hey! sorry for the delay! the movies they’re playing are on the early side of the career – and I’m partial to the final films – but these are good representatives. King Creole is excellent – so is Wild in the Country – and Viva Las Vegas is perfect.

      // which I’ve been exploring in a very unstructured fashion //

      His discography is so strange, so scattered. There are so many great singles – not included on his albums – and … frankly in the 60s his music output was treated with disrespect, like it didn’t matter – they threw everything on the soundtrack albums, with maybe a couple of extra tracks. But there’s a lot of stuff OFF the albums.

      // He’s almost always such a joy to listen to as a singer, even when the material is embarrassing. //

      totally! and there are some good songs on those albums – even though of course they can’t compete with Elvis Elvis, not Movie Elvis. A good friend of mine wrote a piece about the Elvis soundtracks (he’s a reporter for the Palm Beach Post and has a substack). I’ll find the link and put it here.

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