Ms. Blue Sky

… with apologies to ELO … I am off Twitter because fuck Elon Musk. He made the platform useless – which wasn’t an accident. It was the point. Twitter was used as a way to get out information and a way to gather together. Revolutions were reported on Twitter, as were wildfire warnings from local fire stations. The misinformation was rampant, but there was also information – information these sinister people can’t control. They don’t WANT us to gather together and … say whatever we want. For all their bluster about “free speech” they actually despise it because they can’t control it. I had already weaned myself from it maybe 2 years ago. I would post on occasion but it was becoming too nasty and I could tell nobody was seeing my posts. I had a lot of followers and it was normal to put up a picture of Humphrey Bogart – without even commentary – and get 100s of “likes”. Because … it’s fun and supportive. Suddenly … crickets. Then it turned into X (so stupid and embarrassing), and suddenly it was all bots and porn and no engagement, and they didn’t want you to link to anything – like, what the hell is this place FOR then – and stopped you from posting Substack links altogether (or, you could post them, but they wouldn’t upload). The pettiness was stupid, but the motivation was sinister. I couldn’t justify my presence there. I didn’t deactivate yet but I will. The exodus happened last week, millions left, and signed up with Blue Sky, which my friends had been urging me to try out. I have missed the social aspect of this “social” media, and also the humor! Some things happened on Twitter that still make me laugh when I think about them. The huge snake disappearing from the Bronx Zoo and within hours someone had set up a Twitter feed for the snake, posting his adventures all over the city. It was so funny. If you were on Twitter during the “covfefe” day … then you remember what it was like, the explosion of humor. It was one of the funniest days not only in the history of my participation on that platform, but in the history of my participation in the internet. Period. I got to know Flaco on Twitter (speaking of animals escaping from zoos)! One of the things about these weirdo billionaires is they dislike humor – unless it’s nasty and gets “the libs” upset. Imagine living like this. They hate simple pleasures and people having fun. And then this same crew whines, “What has happened to humor? Everyone’s so woke now you can’t SAY anything.” Yes you can. People still say whatever they want. Louis CK sold out Madison Square Garden. He’s doing fine. You can’t be “canceled” and sell out Madison Square Garden. Being criticized isn’t the same thing as being thrust down Orwell’s memoryhole. I criticize the Left for doing this sort of thing too. I am amazingly consistent, because I don’t “do” loyalty, outside of loyalty to my family and friends. (Catch-22 and the famous “loyalty oath” scene secured me forever from the peer pressure to be loyal to a group or feeling like I must swallow every single thing if I agree with one thing. Nope. Anyone who demands lock-step orthodoxy – no matter what side of the aisle you are on – I resist.). I hate cults and I hate authoritarians. I don’t allow people like this in my “real” life so why was I tolerating it there? I don’t tolerate it here either. I got control of my comments section here a long long time ago.

All of this is to say you can find me on Blue Sky. It’s fun over there. And funny. So far. Not quite sure how it all works yet but it’s good to see my Twitter friends, and also the feeds I love, like the Louvre, and NASA.

Thank you so much for stopping by. If you like what I do, and if you feel inclined to support my work, here’s a link to my Venmo account. And I’ve launched a Substack, Sheila Variations 2.0, if you’d like to subscribe.

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