Phys. wrecks – continued

And … of course … When our team won … as they so often did …

There really was no other appropriate way for me to express myself than this pose (which, I have to say, in all modesty – I executed with perfection):

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7 Responses to Phys. wrecks – continued

  1. Red says:

    What can I say Red, but that you look like a young Kate Hepburn in that pic…bug-level cute, m’dear!

  2. Ron says:

    mea culpa, Red, I mistyped! Previous post belongs to Ron, not Red!

  3. red says:

    Kate Hepburn on E, more like.

  4. mere says:

    we SO rocked.
    man Sheila- that jump was a perfect 10

  5. red says:

    mere – i remember chris mulcahy – editor of the yearbook – coming up to me at some point during the year, and saying, “I just found, literally, the funniest picture of you ever. It’s goin’ in the yearbook.”

  6. Ron says:

    “Kate Hepburn on E”; sounds like a pitch to me; Back to The Future meets Bringing Up Baby meets Drugstore Cowboy!

  7. RTG says:

    Now that is pure joy.

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