Happy Birthday, George Eliot!

I actually know very little about her real life – all I know is is that I recently read Middlemarch (Penguin Classics) and it was one of those “A-ha” moments in life. When you realize: Ohhhhh, so THAT’S why everybody talks about her! THAT’S why this book is so important! Woah. What a reading experience.

Anne has written about George Eliot quite often – but here is my favorite post of hers on the subject – it is called The Saddest Letter Ever Written.

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4 Responses to Happy Birthday, George Eliot!

  1. Patrick says:

    I think you posted the wrong picture. The title says “Happy Birthday George Eliot,” but you posted a picture of a girl.

  2. Lisa says:

    Do you have a copy of that letter? I can’t seem to find the entire thing on the internet.

  3. red says:

    hmmm – I would bet Anne has it. She is a huge George Eliot fan. We will wait for her to show up and see what she says!!

  4. Anne says:

    Oh sorry–I got it from Phyllis Rose’s book about Victorian marriages, Parallel Lives.

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