Mr. Patrick Dempsey, I Can Admit When I Am Wrong

It’s hard for me, and it chips away at my dignity – but I am able to admit when I am in error.

I have proclaimed to the rooftops my utter disdain and contempt for Patrick Dempsey and his stupid hair. I have hated him since I saw him in Can’t Buy Me Love 500 years ago. I nearly blew a gasket when I heard he was doing Raskolnikov in some version of Crime and Punishment. It made me ANGRY that he was successful. I thought he was completely unworthy. It’s not like I sat around fuming about Patrick Dempsey, but when I DID think about him, I got pissed.

I just finished watching my first episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

And I have to say.

I have been entirely mistaken.

Not only does he have amazing presence on the screen, but he is a smokin’ hottie of the first order.

Just consider this post as my apology to all die-hard Patrick Dempsey fans – those of you who hung in there, through thick and thin.

I was wrong. I admit it, okay.

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11 Responses to Mr. Patrick Dempsey, I Can Admit When I Am Wrong

  1. Patrick says:

    So. I just finished watching my first episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

    You’ve been missing a great show, Sheila. When I first heard of the show I thought, “oh, great, another E.R.” But I was very mistaken.

  2. red says:

    Patrick – I know!! I refused to watch it because I hated patrick dempsey.

    I’m such an idiot.

  3. Syd says:

    God, I love that show. The entire cast is great, but does it really get any better than Sandra Oh?

  4. Just1Beth says:

    “Oh, what a beautiful morrrrrrrrrrning…” First, Jeff Bridges, next Patrick Dempsey… I’ll be right back- gotta jump back in the (cold)shower.

  5. Lisa says:


    Welcome to the fold, my sistah. I KNEW you’d be joining us soon.

    The Dempsey cannot be denied.

    (And the guy who plays George? Where has he been all my life? I LOVE him.)

  6. Alex Nunez says:

    Sheila, I can’t believe this. You’re one of those people who I simply assume watches everything (somehow…a rack of TiVOs perhaps) even if it’s only so that you’ll be able to snark away with glee when the mood strikes.

    Grey’s (along with the unbelievably excellent House) may just be my favorite show (at least until 24 returns in January). As Doctor/Hospital shows go, it wrecks the ridiculousness that ER turned into years ago.

    ER gets bogged down in the emergency du jour. Grey’s is about the people. That those people happen to be played by terrific actors (whoever cast these people deserves a raise) makes it all the better!

    And c’mon: Patrick Dempsey is a-OK. Can’t Buy Me Love was awesome! lol

  7. red says:

    Alex – I actually don’t watch much TV, believe it or not. It’s very random because I’m never home. I watch re-runs of Breaking Bonaduce at 1 in the morning – and I try to religiously watch any West Wing marathon that goes on (ahem – Monday nights) – but other than that, I’m actually kind of out of it, in terms of TV. I have never seen Lost. I have only seen one episode of Survivor – 7 years ago. I loved Six Feet Under – that was a Sunday-night ritual for me. I loved Sex and the City – but again, I mostly watch it in re-runs in the middle of the night because I never remember when stuff is on.

    There’s so much out there that I would love to watch – but – uhm – I have no Tivo – and I actually don’t even know what Tivo is. I still have a VCR, for God’s sake. And I still have cassette tapes. I’m kinda stuck in the mid 1990s.

    So Grey’s Anatomy is on Sunday nights then?? Count me in – Yup, I saw some very very nice acting last night, from all involved. Rosanna Arquette was on it – as the suicidal meth addict … I love the kind of tough no-nonsense black nurse (I know none of their names yet – although I am VERY pleased to see that one character is called “O’Malley”)

    I was very impressed!

  8. red says:

    Alex – and I honestly cannot remember why Can’t Buy Me Love made me so mad. It is completely absurd to me … like it’s a teenage comedy … why did it put me into a rage??

    Uhm. Because I’m insane. That’s why.

    I think I’ll have to go back and watch it again.

  9. Alex Nunez says:

    CBML may very well be terrible if viewed now. I haven’t seen it since I was a teenager myself, but I remember liking it a lot at the time. Sadly, upon repeat viewing, a lot of the stuff I thought I liked at the time really, really sucks.

    Like Death Wish 3. (ugh…)

    Another example: I loved the profoundly stupid and preposterous Just One of the Guys way back in the day. I’ll bet I’d cringe through the whole thing if I had to watch it now.

    Oh, and BTW: Grey’s Anatomy Season 1 on DVD comes out on 2/14.

  10. Just1Beth says:

    Absolutely LOVE House!!! I love, love, love Hugh Laurie. I couldn’t believe it when I saw him on an interview and he is BRITISH! I truly thought he was american.

  11. Just1Beth says:

    And, yes, the guy who plays George is the one I would have a mad crush on if I were a character in G.A. and it was real life, not a tv show, and if I were a doctor.

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