For a while now, Nancy Savoca’s masterpiece Dogfight has been out of print. It had been released on DVD, with a wonderful commentary track by Savoca, but it was threatening to slide into obscurity. (I have made a couple of requests/suggestions to Criterion that they release this baby. I will continue to do so.) So very good news: the great Warner Archives has just released Dogfight on DVD, with the Savoca commentary.
The news was flying about Twitter yesterday, and so I figured I would provide a link to one of the pieces on my site of which I am most proud: a conversation between me and Matt Zoller Seitz about Dogfight.
I am very proud of what we did there, and proud of that comments section (people are still showing up to share their thoughts about the movie), and Nancy Savoca herself placed a link to our conversation on her homepage.
Thank you, Warner Archives, for the great work you all do. Purchase Dogfight here.
Hi Shelia,
I’ve been a long-time reader and keep meaning to comment, but never get up the nerve. :)
Anyway, I don’t know if you heard of it/got a chance to see it, but there was recently a musical made of Dogfight. And if you hadn’t heard of it, I figured you’d want to hear this (arguably the best song from the show):
Liv – I’m glad you got up the nerve. :) It’s not scary here, is it?? :)
Yes, I did know about the musical! it kind of came and went here in New York and I did not see it. Have you seen it?
I have seen that clip before – and while I haven’t heard the rest of the music, I would agree that that is a very fine song!!