I have only a few years to live and I am resolved to devote them to the work that my fellow citizens deem proper for me; or speaking as old-clothes dealers do of a remnant of goods, ‘You shall have me for what you please.’ —
Benjamin Franklin to Benjamin Rush, before leaving for France in 1776
Ben Franklin was born on this day in 1706. His accomplishments make me feel like a teeny homunculit or an unproductive one-celled organism. I read his lifestory and just think: But … but … how … how … how (How-ARD. Howard!) … What a mind. What curiosity. What humor. Of all of the Founding Fathers, he seems the most human to me. Even though what he managed to do in his life is almost super-human. And any ONE of those things (the almanac, the kite, the Declaration of Independence, his sojourn in Paris) would have been enough to put him in the history books forever. But all of it? It’s unbelievable. But still – even with all of that – somehow he seems the most … accessible. Perhaps because he wrote a pamphlet about farts. Because of his almanac, and how funny it is. Perhaps because beneath all of it – you sense a man who LIVED. He was brilliant, of course – but … he also seemed to be very much of this earth. He liked to drink, play cards, read, flirt … His intelligence was of a wide scope. He inquired about everything. That is a mark of true intelligence: can you admit how much you DON’T know?
Every year I commemorate the day that the Library Company opened – which is one of my favorite stories of Franklin’s life – the creation of that library, still a library today. Awe-inspiring.
Things he invented, investigated, developed – electricity, bifocals, the fire department in Philadelphia, the glass armonica, the list goes on and on. Wind-surfing across a pond, etc. Love the guy!!
I love this – I found this on the Library of Congress website. In response to the Stamp Act – which impacted Franklin’s newspaper (and all newspapers) because it had to be printed on stamped paper – Franklin printed the following, on November 7, 1765. No date, no masthead, no page numbers.
Ben Franklin said, “A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.” Reminds me of Henry Miller’s great quote: “Develop interest in life as you see it, in people, things, literature, music – the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.”
That, to me, describes Benjamin Franklin.
Happy birthday, Ben!
Update: I knew Alex had written a fun tribute to him last year. Just tracked it down!
Here’s to the Johnny Unitas of the Founders, the best there ever was. Happy Birthday, Ben Franklin.
Dear Sheila,
I was reading some of you stuff (which is excellent, by the way :) ), when I realized something, there are a number of mentions of Alexander Hamilton, but there isn’t lot on him, not even on his birthday (6 days before Franklin’s B-Day). Hamilton has done a lot of amazing things, so it just feels odd for him to be missing.
There’s plenty on him. I have a whole category on him.
Here’s the annual post I do on his birthday. I commemorate it every year. He’s not missing at all.