Review: Blinded by the Light (2019)

I really loved Blinded by the Light, based on Sarfraz Manzoor’s memoir Greetings From Bury Park, about growing up the son of Pakistani immigrants in England, and his life-changing discovery of Bruce Springsteen. Directed by Gurinder Chadha, who also directed monster-hit Bend It Like Beckham, Blinded by the Light is a poignant story about a kid trying to navigate the shoals of the first-generation immigrant experience – but it’s also a great story about the positive aspects of fandom. I loved it! My review of Blinded by the Light is up at

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2 Responses to Review: Blinded by the Light (2019)

  1. SandyR says:

    Thank you for this review, Sheila. As a Bruce Springsteen fan for 39 years now, your story about your nieces actually brought tears to my eyes. I am hoping to see this film with the friend who, no matter how many miles apart we have lived since our twenties, has been going to Bruce concerts up and down the country with me since Roundhay Park in Leeds, the Born in the USA tour. She was pregnant then, though we didn’t know it, so I loved it when that daughter gave us tickets to Hyde Park (the infamous pulling the plug on their jam with Paul McCartney night). Our dream is to see him on his home ground. Next time in New Jersey!

    • sheila says:

      SandyR – wow, I love your stories! I hope you see the film. It’s a real celebration of Bruce! I still have never seen him live.

      My favorite story about him comes from Wanda Jackson, whom I’ve seen multiple times. She regaled us with a story at one of her shows – she was playing a bowling alley in Asbury Park. She’s a legend and she’s playing a bowling alley. There isn’t even a stage. and the audience are sitting in those little plastic chairs they have in bowling alleys. And front and center in the audience – was Bruce and his wife.

      Afterwards Wanda said to them “I can’t believe you would come out for this” and Bruce said, “Are you kidding me, Wanda??”


      If a rock and roll legend is playing right down the street – you SHOW UP for that person.

      I need to read his book too!

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