I know this photograph – it’s rather famous, if you’re a Joyce freak. I love it. It’s Joyce and his wife Nora, and their two children – Lucia and Giorgio. Lucia already looks a little mad, doesn’t she?
With the carafes of white wine on the table that Joyce so loved.
This photo reminds me of that AWESOME quote from Ernest Hemingway (who loved Joyce – was jealous of his talent – but loved him.)
After the publication of Ulysses, Hemingway wrote a letter to Sherwood Anderson and said:
“Joyce has a most goddamn wonderful book. It’ll probably reach you in time. Meantime the report is that he and all his family are starving but you can find the whole celtic crew of them every night in Michaud’s where Binney and I can only afford to go about once a week…The damned Irish, they have to moan about something or other.”
And there they are! In that photo! I think they did eat out in restaurants for almost every meal. And, like the Irish still do today – they brought their children everywhere.