I bought Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) on Wednesday. I am already halfway through. Cannot. Put. It. Down.
More thoughts later.
PLEASE NO SPOILERS. I know there’s something HUGE coming – I have heard mention of this big thing that goes down in this book – but I have somehow managed to not hear a word of it – so BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY.
Here’s where I am now in the book:
Slughorn just hosted his Christmas party. Ron and Hermione are pretty much fighting (it’s that whole Howard Hawks type battle of the sexes – when a man and a woman fight all the time, you know they’re meant for each other) – Ron is now constantly making out with Lavendar, and Harry feels left out of this whole thing. Harry has yearnings towards Ginny – but Ginny is too busy making out in random corridors with Dean to notice. (hahahaha For me, the book has become all about the teenage romance – not the whole, you know, WIZARDS thing) Draco is up to no good, and Snape has pulled Draco out of the Slughorn party … Harry eavesdropped on their conversation, and while it is apparent that the two are somehow in league with one another – Harry cannot figure out what is going on. He has become fixated on the fact that Draco must be a Death-Eater. Everyone is pretty much tired of hearing him talk about it. Dumbledore is giving Harry private lessons – where they go into the Pensieve, and take walks down random memory lanes. I have learned of Voldemort’s Oliver Twist-esque beginnings.
And that’s pretty much where I’m at right now.
I will probably finish it in the next couple of days.
Again: her ability to create an entire vibrant world is pretty much remarkable. I leap into the book – total suspension of disbelief – and I have come to know these people like old friends. Oh, there’s old Neville! And there’s Parvati! Etc. They are broadly drawn characters, but no less interesting because of that.
Oh, and I have no idea who the Half-Blood Prince is, but Harry Potter is kicking some serious butt in his Potions class because of the marginilia in the Half-Blood Prince’s textbook that Harry inherited.
I love, too, how the book opens – and you can tell how the wizard world is at war. Diagon Alley has changed, everyone is frightened, rushing around, locking their doors … the innocence of the earlier part of the series (even though a lot of bad stuff went down then as well) is gone. Everyone is scared. Nobody trusts anyone. Spies are everywhere.
Great stuff.
Yes, it was a fun read and will give you lots to think about when you’re done. We were talking about it last night over dinner. The youngest of us was in our forties. I was never ashamed of reading these “kids” books but I am somewhat relieved that I can talk about it amongst adults.
I’m so glad you’ve picked it up. Can’t wait for you to finish it so we can discuss it here!
Christie read it in one night. She could not put it down either.
I wish you had my phone number so that you could call me THE MINUTE you’re finished. I want your fresh reaction!
We went to see GoF today, and ohmigod. Oh. My. God. (I’m working up a huge post in my head.)
OH LISA! I look forward to your reaction also. Come on folks … POST! :)
Oh, and I think it’s so hysterical that Bill Weasley is marrying Fleur – and how no one in the Weasley family likes her. hahahaha
One of my students sent me a t-shirt that gives away an important event in the latest Harry Potter, but mentions saving $30 and hours of time. I still get dirty looks from people every time I wear the shirt.