When legends gather …


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6 Responses to When legends gather …

  1. mitchell says:

    wow is right…Heston shows up in the weirest places…but Marlon and Baldwin were very “close”…from what ive read.

  2. red says:

    There’s just something about Baldwin’s smile … every time I see it it cracks my heart.

  3. mitchell says:

    i know…mischevious(sp?) and sad all at the same time

  4. dick says:

    You have to remember that back in the day Charlton Heston was one of the first Hollywood stars to march with Dr Martin Luther King. He was right beside MLK at many of the marches back in the 1960’s and was and still is very supportive of human rights.

  5. mitchell says:

    really???…not according to Gore Vidal..he tells a very different story of Mr. Heston.

  6. red says:

    I think the problem is (and it’s happened before with Dick, who seems quite defensive about Heston) is that you said “Heston shows up in the weirdest places” and Dick HEARD “Wow – what is Heston, the asshole, doing with all of those great progressive people?”

    Dick HEARD that, but we did not say it.

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