Scanning Monday

Meredith hosted a New Year’s Eve party when she was living in Lowell – and wonder of wonders – most of the core group could make it, even though we had scattered – either going to college, or working, whatever: Betsy, Me, Beth, and Kate. Michele was not there but she was the only one missing. High school was over, and adulthood was just starting. It was a magical party for some reason – we all remember it.

At one point someone put on Devo’s “Jerkin’ Back and Forth” – a favorite of ours when we were in high school. We all went NUTS and someone (Tom??) had the foresight to take a series of photos.

I love how we are all so into it, so into each other – and yes, we are in that moment living in the past, yet we’re not holding onto the past – we’re celebrating it … I just love this series of pictures. We are all still dear friends, that’s the best part.

I also enjoy the one photo where everyone is clearly “jerkin’ up high” and I made a mistake, and proceeded to “jerk down low”.

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8 Responses to Scanning Monday

  1. DBW says:

    I like the way you always looked “faced” in these party photos. ‘Not that there’s anything wrong with that.’

  2. red says:

    I don’t know what that means.

  3. DBW says:

    Well, I am at work, so I can’t put in the actual words. But, just imagine a word before “faced” that would indicate someone who was happily inebriated or buzzed–as in poop-faced. Boy, that sounds worse than the actual term.

  4. red says:

    I am trying to figure out what lyric we are all acting out with such gusto in the first photo. i’d have to hear the song again.

  5. red says:

    No, not really, I’m just a ham.

  6. DBW says:

    “I am trying to figure out what lyric we are all acting out with such gusto in the first photo. i’d have to hear the song again.”

    Perhaps Y–W–C-A! Not that there’s anything wrong….

  7. red says:

    No – it was all Devo. Jerkin’ Back and Forth.

    Just looked at the lyrics. I believe it is “it is a vision reoccurring …”

    That’s the only one that makes sense.

  8. just1beth says:

    Of course, all your other photos of this party have me drinking soda, cause I had the flu. But somehow, this song made me rally, and out came the beer….

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