Scanning Friday

I think it’s about time that I come to terms with the fact that Mitchell is actually …

…. the Unabomber.

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9 Responses to Scanning Friday

  1. tracey says:

    I still love that photo.

    Member how I said you needed to make an Obama-like poster of Hope and then Mark — I think it was — made one and it was completely awesome?

    Now I’m jonesing for an Obama/Bomber poster using that top photo of Mitchell.

  2. red says:

    Coda to that Hope poster:

    I went home for Christmas, and it was a sad and stressful time. We had Christmas … and then a package arrived … and it was from a “Dave E”. Now I know a “Dave E” – or, I don’t really KNOW him – but he comments on my blog all the time, and I really like him – but how would he have gotten my parents’ address? It had to be something else.

    Siobhan hovered nearby and I wasn’t sure why.

    I opened it – and there was a card from Dave E – but I was too confused to process it. I opened the package and unrolled a cloth BANNER of the Hope/Obama poster. It’s HUGE!!!!!! What???

    So what happened was this: Sweet Dave E. (I know guys don’t like to be called “sweet” but too bad – I mean it as the ultimate compliment – which also encompasses honor, manliness, compassion, good manners …) had contacted Mark to get the jpeg of the Hope poster – because apparently he does this thing for a living (making banners out of personal jpegs, etc.) – and so Mark provided the jpeg – and then resourceful Dave E tracked down my sister Siobhan for an appropriate address to send it to me.


    Siobhan said that in the flurry of the time, so much stress, she almost ignored the email because … what? who are you? what do you want to send to my sister?? – but she provided my parents’ address and there it was – a couple days after Christmas.

    It was the saddest time imaginable and there I sat, in the dining room, laughing and crying over the kindness of ‘strangers”.

    This more than makes up for the douchebags who, even now, accuse me of TMI, or whatever the hell their problem is. There are those out there who not only ‘get it’ – but are kind generous spirits, willing to go the extra mile.

    I have hung the Hope banner in my bathroom … because that is where Hope likes to hang out. In the sink, of course.

  3. red says:

    And to your point – yes, I think we need an FBI’s most wanted poster of that top image.

  4. Rob says:

    Dave E is a great guy .. for a Viking fan. :) As you may recall, he I and met up in Minneapolis because of our connection here. You recommended his blog, I went there and saw where he was, mentioned I was going to be there in the summer of 2004, and we had lunch. Fast friends ever since. He hasn’t made it to my place for crawfish yet but it’s only a matter of time. That invitation extends to you, too. :)

    The two of us:



  5. red says:

    Rob – I cannot tell you how much I love that my blog would cause a friendship. That was really my ultimate point here – and I am so psyched!!

    His kind gesture to me – going SO out of his way to get me that banner – is something I will never ever forget.

  6. tracey says:

    I am now tearing up at Dave E.

  7. Dave E. says:

    I’m sorry I missed this thread, and you can call me sweet anytime, Sheila.

    Not you, Rob. ;)

  8. Dave E. says:

    Uh, just to clarify…Sheila can call you sweet anytime of course, but if you start calling me sweet, I’m pretty sure your wife is going to be very disappointed.

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