Year In Review Again

Idea stolen from Ann Althouse.

I just scanned through my blog, and chose posts I like – either because the topic is interesting, or I like my writing, or the conversation in the comments was particularly lively and awesome. As ever – thanks for reading my blog, all of you out there!

JANUARY 2005: O, how full of briers is this working-day world! – As You Like It

Advice on how to find public bathrooms in NYC

FEBRUARY 2005: The Oscars

This blog’s group project: Our review of Christo’s The Gates (the project was born here)

MARCH 2005: I come out as a snob

Ah, for a hot Amish fella

APRIL 2005:

RIP Ruth Hussey

Celluloid dreams

MAY 2005; I actually live-blogged Riding the Bus with my sister, starring the atrocious Rosie O’Donnell

JUNE 2005: In rambling praise of Dave Grohl

And also: Bragging about my favorite ex

JULY 2005: The Phys Wrecks story:
The story continued
The story continued
The story continued
The story continued
The last part of the story

AUGUST 2005: Road works ahead

Happy 20th birthday to The Breakfast Club

SEPTEMBER 2005: The two days that came before

The “great live squid”

OCTOBER 2005: Tim and Dawn

Future Oscar winners: Men

Future Oscar winners: Women

NOVEMBER 2005: Today in History: Nov. 7, 1917


DECEMBER 2005: I admit that I have been wrong about Patrick Dempsey

Albums from my childhood

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9 Responses to Year In Review Again

  1. the best o’ ’05, relatively speaking

    I was going to do a Top 10 Posts of 2005 list eventually but I saw a slightly different format on Sheila’s site (via Ann Althouse) that I quite like. Here, dear readers, is a monthly breakdown of notable posts.

  2. Ah, our communal review of The Gates. HILARIOUS. Thanks for the round-up of great posts… and also for the idea to do the same on my site. :)

    Happy New Year everyone!

  3. Noonz Wire Year One: 2005 Recap

    I am shamelessly ripping this off from Sheila, who stole it from Ann Althouse.

    Imitation is, after all, the sincerest form of flattery. Or so they say.

    I wonder what the rip-off artist who coined that phrase stole, and from whom…but I digress…

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    I should not have re-read the “Gates” at 1 am while other folks in the house were tryng to sleep! Hahaha, oh my, that’s hilarious!

  5. red says:

    bingley – I know! hahaha

    I particularly enjoy “nekulturny hordes” but it’s the “shtetl of schmatte-clad yentas” that really kills me!!

  6. Syd says:

    I think of that Gates review every-single-time I read some asswipe’s wordy review of, well anything.

  7. Alex Nunez says:

    I practically had tears when I read the Gates review. It’s effin’ brilliant. Kudos to all who contributed!

  8. red says:

    Alex – isn’t it hilarious??

    I actually loved The Gates – thought they were whimsy personified – I loved walking thru them – but I kept reading all these posts of people who seemed truly ANGRY about The Gates and I was like: what the fuck is wrong with these people? Why are they so pissed off about a fucking art project? I can understand not liking something – but to be so outraged about it seemed – well. Stupid. People seemed mad even at the ATTEMPT. The commentary had this tone of: “who the hell does he think he is?” which I just think is ridiculous. They were orange flags thru Central Park. So what? Why so pissy??

    I didn’t think the Gates held the Meaning of Life, nor did I think that was Christo’s intent – he just likes to impose stuff on the outer world – I think he’s hysterical – but anyway, I did think it would be funny to post a pseudo-review of the things, just to make fun of that kind of art critic lingo.

  9. Jen says:

    Loved the Oscars post! Hadn’t read that one…

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