Cat on a Hot Tin Roof opened on Broadway on this day, in 1955. Critic Brooks Atkinson, one of Williams’s staunchest supporters, wrote: “[The play seemed] not to have been written. It is the quintessence of life.” Ben Gazzara became THE new actor in town, and Cat ended up running for almost 700 performances. Smash hit.
It’s one of Williams’ most difficult plays. So often in final productions huge elements are missing or vague or overplayed or underplayed. The work is so specific that if you’re even slightly wrong, you are TOTALLY wrong. (One of the best productions I’ve seen of it, and I’ve seen many, was at the Berkshire Theatre Festival in 2016. I wrote about it here. That “review” is really a work of script and character analysis.)
Marilyn Monroe, in the audience for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on Broadway
Williams was tormented by the writing of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. He found it “messy”, and wrote in his journal that “the intrusion of the homosexual theme may be fucking it up again”. But he kept at it.
More after the jump.
On April 3, 1954, Williams wrote to his agent Audrey Wood:
Here’s a sort of rough draft of the play that threw me into such a terrible state of depression last summer in Europe, I couldn’t seem to get a grip on it. I haven’t done much with it since then, but I would like to have this draft typed up, so that I will at least be able to read it with less confusion. Although it is very wordy it is still too short and would need a curtain-raiser to make a full evening. But I do think it has a terrible sort of truthfulness about it, and the tightest structure of anything I have done. And a terrifyingly strong final curtain.
In June of that year, he wrote to Cheryl Crawford (director, producer):
I let Audrey read “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” while she was here and to my surprise she seemed to take a great liking to it, said the material excited her more than anything I’ve done since “Streetcar”. But she doesn’t find it complete in its present form and wants me to add another act to it. So far I don’t agree with her. I think it tells a full story, though it is under conventional length, and that as soon, or if I get back my creative breath, i can fill out these two acts (or 3 long scenes as they actually are) to a full evening without extending the story as I see it.
This disagreement would go on and on, and would carry over into director Elia Kazan’s feelings about the play, which finally culminated in TWO versions of the play being published: Williams’s preferred version, and then Kazan’s staged version.
Kazan was Williams’ only choice for director. They were very close friends and colleagues – able to speak truthfully to one another (sometimes forcefully), expressing emotions of dismay or conviction. (Finally, with the long over-due publication of the Selected Letters of Elia Kazan, we can read Kazan’s side of this rich collaborative correspondence.)
Williams sent Kazan one of his rewrites with the following note:
The play was not just negative, since it was packed with rage, and rage is not a negative thing in life. It is positive, dynamic! … [Brick’s] one of the rich and lucky! Got everything without begging, was admired and loved by all. Hero! Beauty! — Two people fell in love with him beyond all bounds. Skipper and Maggie. He built up one side of his life around Skipper, another around Maggie – Conflict: Disaster! — One love ate up the other, naturally, humanly, without intention, just did! Hero is faced with truth and collapses before it … Maggie, the cat, has to give him some instruction in how to hold your position on a hot tin roof, which is human existence which you’ve got to accept on any terms whatsoever … Vitality is the hero of the play! — The character you can “root for” … is not a person but a quality in people that makes them survive.
Kazan gave Williams some strongly-worded reactions to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, having to do with its structure: the highpoint of the play shouldn’t be in the second act, as written, but in the third act, according to Kazan (and to Wood). Williams disagreed. In October, 1954, Williams wrote to Kazan:
It so happens that the second act has the highest degree of dramatic tension. That has happened before in very fine plays and they have survived it. It has to be compensated, not by a trick or distortion but by charging the final scene with something plus, underlining and dramatizing as powerfully as possible the sheer truth of the material, its very lack of shrewd showmanship, because I think critics and theatre lovers will respect it all the more for not making some facile, easy, obvious concession to the things which a lot of people have complained about in us, both, a too professional, showy, sock-finish to theatre. Am I rationalizing again? Maybe, but on the other hand, I may be simply trying to articulate to you my side of the case … Even if “Cat” is not a good play, it’s a goddam fiercely true play, and what other play this season is going to be that? …Of course I will be disappointed if you refuse, perhaps even angry at you – I was angry with you last night, too angry to sleep! – but I will not hate you for it, and we would still do something together again. I know that you are my friend.
Kazan wrote about this Third-Act disagreement in his autobiography.
I believed Big Daddy could not be left out of the third act. I felt that his final disposition in the story had to be conveyed to an audience. I also thought that the third act was by far the weakest of the three – one and two were brilliant and as good as anything Tennessee ever wrote. I suggested that Big Daddy be brought back into Act Three, a suggestion that had nothing to do with making the play more commercial. Tennessee said he’d think about my suggestion, and a few days later he brought me a short scene where Big Daddy did appear and told a dirty joke. It wasn’t this author’s best work, but perhaps it was better than nothing.
Despite this disagreement, Kazan agreed to direct. Williams wrote to Kazan on Nov. 3, 1954:
I want to keep the core of the play very hard, because I detest plays that are built around something mushy such as I feel under the surface of many sentimental successes in the theatre. I want the core of the play to be as hard and fierce as Big Daddy. I think he strikes the keynote of the play. A terrible black anger and ferocity, a rock-bottom honest. Only against this background can his moments of tenderness, of longing, move us deeply. This is a play about good bastards and good bitches. I mean it exposes the startling co-existence of good and evil, the shocking duality of the single heart. am as happy as you are that our discussions have led to a way of high-lighting the good in Maggie, the indestructible spirit of Big Daddy, so that the final effect of the play is not negative, this is a forward step, a step toward a larger truth which will add immeasurably to the play’s power of communication or scope of communication.
Kazan sent a 5-page letter to Williams, detailing his issues with the script, mainly in regards to the conception of the character Brick.
Which reminds me of a funny story:
Tommy Lee Jones came and spoke at my school. He was intimidating and unafraid to let people know that their questions were a little bit stupid. (“So what drew you to doing Ulysses in Nighttown on Broadway?” Jones said, impatiently, “James Joyce.”) One of my classmates, a playwright, launched himself into the void of fear Jones had created in us, and asked – (and it was the WAY he asked it that was so funny, that broke down Jones’ facade), “I know that you played Brick in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Having suffered through many a terrible Brick in almost every acting class I have ever been in, I just had to ask you: what’s up with Brick? What’s the challenge, what’s the roadblock?” Tommy Lee Jones’ whole body language changed. He responded to the question physically, perking up, changing his position. He loved it. He laughed at the phrasing of the question, he nodded with recognition – he had seen many Bricks in acting classes too. The whole mood changed. Jones said that his feeling was that Brick came from Williams’s long fascination with Nietzsche, and so Jones had approached the role from a Nietzschean standpoint. (This is truly what it means for an actor to attempt to find “the pulse of the playwright.”) Jones said he felt Cat on a Hot Tin Roof was Williams’s most well-made play, and, ultimately, Williams’s “only truly great play”.
Brick IS a problem, Brick is a conundrum. (I go into this a lot in my review of the production in the Berkshires.) Here’s the deal, though: saying Brick is a “problem” is not a negative. Brick is not a problem to be solved. (This was part of the disagreement going on. Kazan kept saying, “What’s going on with Brick? Does he grow? Change?” Williams did not want to “solve” or “explain” Brick.)
No wonder everyone who worked on the original production felt like they were wrestling with a tornado.
The “homosexual theme” of the story was difficult to handle, and Williams stuck to his guns about it with an increasing sense of being misunderstood by everyone. He was more than willing to collaborate, to take in suggestions from others, but when the suggestions threatened the core of the play, or – worse – tried to make the play more accessible, he pushed back.
Williams wrote in his journal about Kazan’s comments on Brick:
I do get his point but I am afraid he doesn’t quite get mine. Things are not always explained. Situations are not always resolved. Characters don’t always ‘progress’. But I shall, of course, try to arrive at another compromise with him.
In one of his notes on the play, Williams wrote:
The poetic mystery of BRICK is the poem of the play, not its story but the poem of the story, and must not be dispelled by any dishonestly oracular conclusions about him: I don’t know him any better than I know my closest relative or dearest friend which isn’t well at all: the only people we think we know well are those who mean little to us.
Here’s another letter to Kazan, this one from Nov. 31, 1954. (Every actor attempting to get by the “roadblock” of Brick should not only consider taking on Tommy Lee Jones’s advice – just to see where it would get you – but also read this letter in its entirety):
Why does a man drink: in quotes “drink”. There are two reasons, separte or together. 1. He’s scared shitless of something. 2. He can’t face the truth about something. – Then of course there’s the natural degenerates that just fall into any weak, indulgent habit that comes along but we are not dealing with that sad but unimportant category in Brick. – Here’s the conclusion I’ve come to. Brick did love Skipper, “the one great good thing in his life which was true”. He identified Skipper with sports, the romantic world of adolescence which he couldn’t go past. Further: to reverse my original (somewhat tentative) premise, I now believe that, in the deeper sense, not th eliteral sense, Brick is homosexual with a heterosexual adjustment: a thing I’ve suspected of several others, such as Brando, for instance. (He hasn’t cracked up but I think he bears watching. He strikes me as being a compulsive eccentric.) I think these people are often undersexed, prefer pet raccoons or sports or something to sex with either gender. They have deep attachments, idealistic, romantic: sublimated loves! They are terrible Puritans. (Marlon dislikes me. Why? I’m “corrupt”) These people may have a glandular set-up which will keep them “banked”, at low-pressure, enough to get by without the eventual crack-up. Take Brando again: he’s smoldering with something and I don’t think it’s Josanne! Sorry to make him my guinea pig in this analysis (Please give this letter back to me!) but he’s the nearest thing to Brick that we both know. Their innocense, their blindness, makes them very, very touching, very beautiful and sad. Often they make fine artists, having to sublimate so much of their love, and believe me, homosexual love is something that also requires more than a physical expression. But if a mask is ripped off, suddenly, roughly, that’s quite enough to blast the whole Mechanism, the whole adjustment, knock the world out from under their feet, and leave them no alternative but – owning up to the truth or retreat into something like liquor ….
One of Kazan’s criticisms was that the character does not change, but Williams disagreed. Williams explains in the same letter:
He’s faced the truth, I think, under Big Daddy’s pressure, and maybe the block is broken. I just said maybe. I don’t really think so. I think that Brick is doomed by the falsities and cruel prejudices of the world he comes out of, belongs to, the world of Big Daddy and Big Mama. Sucking a dick or two or fucking a reasonable facsimile of Skipper some day won’t solve it for him, if he ever does such “dirty things”! He’s the living sacrifice, the victim of the play, and I don’t want to part with that “Tragic elegance” about him. You know, paralysis in a character can be just as significant and just as dramatic as progress, and is also less shop-worn. How about Chekhov?
Kazan wrote in his autobiography about his choice to cast Barbara Bel Geddes as Maggie:
[Barbara Bel Geddes] was not the kind of actress [Williams] liked; she was the kind of actress I liked. I’d known her when she was a plump young girl, and I had a theory – which you are free to ignore – that when a girl is fat in her early and middle teens and slims down later, she is left with an uncertainty about her appeal to boys, and what often results is a strong sexual appetite, intensified by the continuing anxiety of believing herself undesirable. Laugh at that if you will, but it is my impression and it did apply to Miss Bel Geddes. I knew how much a working sexual relationship meant to this young woman and that in every basic way she resembled Maggie the Cat. I trusted my knowledge of her own nature and life and therefore cast her.
Young actor Ben Gazzara, cast as Brick, was well-known at the Actors Studio, but this role would make him a star.
Gazzara wrote in his autobiography:
When I was cast to play Brick in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof it was a dream come true. Every actor wished to be in a Tennessee Williams play directed by Elia Kazan. Kazan had not been abandoned. He lost friends but he worked in film and in the theater whenever he wanted to. And despite the controversy surrounding him, most actors would have killed to work with him, too. He was the “actor’s director” and he had chosen me to work with. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I’d seen how Williams’s plays gave actors the material they could delve deeply into – the glorious Laurette Taylor in The Glass Menagerie and the electrifying Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire. How would I pull it off?
Gazzara describes the first rehearsal:
When I arrived at the New Amsterdam Roof, near Times Square, where we were to rehearse, everybody was already seated around a huge wooden table. Elia Kazan, Tennessee Williams, Barbara Bel Geddes, Burl Ives, Mildred Dunnock, Pat Hingle, and Madeleine Sherwood. Seated nearby facing them were Audrey Wood and the producer Roger Stevens of the Playwrights’ Company.
Nobody got up or even said hello. They looked at me in silence. I was embarrassed because I’d arrived late …
But once the reading began, all else was forgotten. To hear Tennessee’s vivid dialogue being spoken by these fine actors was a revelation. The play became much more than I imagined when I’d read it on my own.
Gazzara talks about the part of Brick:
He’s married to a beautiful woman, and I had to make it clear to viewers that rejecting Maggie doesn’t come from his dislike or disgust, but instead from the death of Skipper, the friend he’d loved with a love he never admitted, even to himself. The loss of Skipper leads Brick to more and more booze and even greater disgust with people’s mendacity, especially his own… I worked on reaching into myself to find the broken part of Brick.
What a beautiful way to put it.
Gazzara describes some tense moments at reherasals, when it became clear Williams was not happy with the casting of Barbara Bel Geddes.
She was much too wholesome for [Williams’s] taste. He was looking for something more neurotic, but I’m sure that Kazan had cast Barbara precisely for that wholesome quality. Theatergoers loved Barbara and therefore she would be able to make audiences embrace this complicated and not always likable character. Gadg [Kazan] was absolutely right about that.
But Tennessee felt there were problems during the scene where Barbara is on her knees embracing my legs and making a plea for me to take her to bed. Tennessee said something like, “Gadge, she’s fuckin’ with my cadence.” He may have thought he was whispering but Tennessee had a deep, mellifluous voice which at that moment was too loud. And he’d been drinking. Well, I looked over and Barbara was gone. She’d run off the stage in tears, so I went after her to console her. When I came back, Gadge looked at me for a long time and said, “You’re a nice guy.” I didn’t understand. Wasn’t it normal to help a lady in distress?
Frequent Kazan-collaborator Jo Mielziner designed the set. Kazan wrote in his autobiography about the creation of the set for Cat:
Jo Mielziner and I had read the play in the same way; we saw that its great merit was its brilliant rhetoric and its theatricality. I didn’t see the play as realistic any more than he did. If it was to be done realistically, I would have to contrive stage business to keep the old man talking those great second act speeches turned out front and pretend that it was just another day in the life of the Pollitt family. This would, it seemed to me, amount to an apology to the audience for the glory of the author’s language … So I caused Jo to design our setting as I wished, a large triangular platform, tipped toward the audience and holding only one piece of furniture, an ornate bed. This brought the play down to its essentials and made it impossible for it to be played any way except as I preferred.
After a run-through in early March, Tennessee Williams sent notes to Kazan, some of which I will excerpt here: a fascinating glimpse of the artistic process:
There is a “poetry of the macabre” which I was creating in all the silly, trivial speeches that precede and surround the announcement to Big Mama, the fuss over what he ate at dinner, the observations about Keeley cure, anti-buse, vitamin B12, the southern gush and playfulness, these all contribute to a shocking comment upon the false, heartless, grotesquely undignified way that such events are treated in our society with its resolute concentration on the trivia of life. Practically all these values disappeared, for me at least, in a distractingly formalistic treatment of the situation…
I’m not happy over the interpretation of Doc Baugh whom I had conceived as a sort of gently ironical figure who had seen so much life and death and participated actively in so much of it that he had a sort of sad, sometimes slightly saturnine, detachment from the scene, a calm and kindly detachment, but he plays like a member of the family, in the same over-charged manner, like a fellow conspirator, especially at the moment when he starts abruptly forward as if about to deliver a speech and says the Keely cure bit at stage-center with such startling emphases. It is off-beat off-key little details like this which give the beginning of Act Three its curiously unreal look-for-the-rabbit-out-of-the-silk-hat air …
I love the noise of the storm fading into the lovely negro lullabye: that’s a true and beautiful bit of non-realistic staging which comes at the right moment and isn’t the least bit exaggerated, in fact I would like to hear the singing better …
After all of this, Williams closed the letter with:
I am being utterly sincere when I say that, on the whole, you have done one of your greatest jobs. I just want all of it to measure up to the truest and best of it, and to make it plain to everybody that this play is maybe not a great play, maybe not even a very good play, but a terribly, terribly, terribly true play about truth, human truth.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof went on to win the Pulitzer Prize and the Drama Critics’ Award.
When Williams heard he had won both of the plum prizes for a playwright, he sent a telegram to the cast of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, on May 2, 1955:
Thank you so much for stopping by. If you like what I do, and if you feel inclined to support my work, here’s a link to my Venmo account. And I’ve launched a Substack, Sheila Variations 2.0, if you’d like to subscribe.
I don’t know how you do it, Sheila… but you always seem to put the pieces together in a way that goes right to the heart of the matter. This so perfectly captures the collaboration between writer, director, and actors that distinguishes true art from lesser works. It is just lovely; thank you.
April – thank you! I love being able to actually rifle through my library of books and find quotes, etc. It’s good to put all of these books to use! And the process of CAT was a really intense one, with disagreements that were never really resolved. Very interesting!
Apparently today is also the anniversary of the day Elvis was inducted into the army. One of the guys I grew up listening to on the radio now does a weekly four hour show. Today’s show, in honor of Elvis, he played songs by people who have served in the armed forces(Jerry Garcia who knew?) . At the end of the show he played the audio from the press conference Elvis had before he was shipped off to Germany. For a man who had already had 25 gold records he was as polite and humble at this press conference as ever. And sincere too.
Yes, March 24, 1958. I wrote about that press conference in a post of mine. His mother had just passed. He handled himself beautifully in a time of great personal chaos, when he was probably still in shock. It’s an incredible moment in American history.
But, you know, I like to keep it eclectic on my site. Had more to say about CAT today.
Lovely stuff, piecing everyone’s recollections together. Williams’ “blast the whole Mechanism” is absolutely beautiful. I would so much some day like to see a good stage version of “Cat.” I’ve only seen the film; the first time I saw it, I didn’t even understand that Brick was angry at his own mendacity as much as others. While some of that was inexperience (I was 19 or so, mostly clueless) on repeat viewings, the film strikes me as having undermined the heart of Brick so thoroughly that it’s almost unrecognizable as a Williams play. The dialogue is there, the atmosphere, some performances, but his soul is missing.
Stacia – // the film strikes me as having undermined the heart of Brick so thoroughly that it’s almost unrecognizable as a Williams play. //
It’s almost too explosive. You can feel Kazan resisting it as well in the production on Broadway. Williams was really getting at the heart of homophobia with that part (in the literal sense of the word) – and Brick looking to drink until he feels “the click” (such a scary phrase) is so indicative of an entire universe of self-hatred and lost impossible love. Too hot to touch, in some ways even now.
I would love to see a good stage version as well. Never have. It sure READS great, though – the play is right there on the page.
It always seemed the entire “mystery” of Brick was contained in his name.
Fantastic observation!
I’ve commented before as to what a big fan I am of Ben Gazzara’s work, truly one of the best and yet still curiously underrated actors. least among the general public. As much as I love Newman and Taylor, I do wish the movie version had Gazzara and Bel Geddes.
Tracey – Gazzara is definitely a favorite of mine, too.
And yes, would love to be able to see Gazzara and Bel Geddes’ dynamic!!
Williams sure nails the mystery of the ’50s Brando, and his predictions for Marlon certainly are spot on.
Fiddlin Bill – I know, that Brando observation is so spot on. Eerily so!
I loved reading this post just a week after I saw the play. I really wanted to read some background after seeing it, especially something on what TW thought of the screenplay because it is so much more oblique than the play. You put some wonderful material in this. I was surprised at how outspoken the play is about homosexuality, knowing the film. I think you would like Scarlett J. as Maggie. She really plays her with a hard edge. She’s desperate for Brick’s love but she does not mean to lose this game. I was also struck by how much this play mirrors psychoanalysis. The scene between Big Daddy and Brick especially. How the spine for all of them, not just Brick, seems to be about connecting to others but the obstacle is that they cannot connect to themselves. Their desire for immortality, their desperation, their sexuality. You mention the play as being well-made. Yes! Almost classical. Three act structure. You have the Dr. and the priest and the rustics – almost like something out of Italian opera. Maybe you should do volume two of the TW biography, Sheila!
Good for Scarlett! I am glad to hear you liked her in the role. Love to hear your additional thoughts: it is such a difficult play to get right, and you can even see that that was true back then – with all the back and forth between Kazan and Williams. Ben Gazzara’s autobiography is fascinating in terms of his process: of course he made a giant success of the role, but he was always in process with it, always discovering it – he felt that he was still developing it IN FRONT OF the audience, and that was terrifying.
Oh! And I read somewhere that Lyle Leverich had bequeathed the second volume (and all his research) to a playwright – someone famous – Kushner?? No, someone else – I’ll have to backtrack and find out. The fact that there isn’t a second volume of that masterpiece is just devastating – but it looks like SOMEONE is working on Volume II. sadly, it is not me – but I remember being very pleased at whoever it was Leverich had picked. Ugh, can’t remember the name though. Will report back!
I’m so curious now!
John Lahr – that’s who it is!
Lahr wrote an article in the New Yorker about the stranglehold that Williams’ estate had on Leverich’s work – and it was such a powerful piece that it was actually instrumental in the Leverich volume I being allowed to be published. This was why Leverich bequeathed it all to John Lahr for Volume II.
Lahr took a leave of absence from The New Yorker starting in 2007 to finish the book. Crickets ever since.
I’ll do some more digging.
Sheila: loved Barbara Bel Geddes. I think Kazan’s take about her sexuality is spot on. This reminds me of the recent brouhaha about whether or not someone like (Patrick Wilson) would not only sleep with (Lena Dunham), but actually enjoy her. We have such a slanted idea of what constitutes desirability. God forbid you’re 10 pounds overweight (or more), you can’t join the party. Bullshit. To someone who spent the “best years of my life” in NYC in the 70s, 80s and 90s, having a sex life was not an issue. Maybe commitment was an issue. Who knows? At this point, who cares? I’m not crazy about GIRLS, sometime it hard (awkward/painful) to watch but really like Lena Dunham and the trajectory of her career. Her show rings true to me (in retrospect). Admirable. Loved this piece on Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
You are preachin’ to the choir, girl!! I loved the brou-haha about Wilson recently because it really made people talk about these issues and the objectification of women in the culture. I was never a thin lollipop-head woman but I always had a nice sex life in my 20s, and the men seemed to dig me. No biggie. I have to say I am glad I am not coming of age now – the toxicity of the attitudes are just so EVERYWHERE. Lena Dunham is tackling some really important stuff – and she’s not my favorite either – but I am really really glad she is doing what she is doing.
And yes: I think Kazan’s feelings about women who were awkward/fat as teens – who are not comfortable with themselves as sexual beings perhaps – but who have enormous drives in that direction … really insightful!! Would have loved to see Bel Geddes in this role!
A few further thoughts about Williams’ remarks on Marlon Brando. First–and surely you know the answer–why wasn’t Brando cast as Brick, at least in the Broadway production, and certainly in the movie? I wonder if he declined to “go there.” And second–Brando did play such a role later, in one of his very best and most interesting films, “Reflection in a Golden Eye.” So perhaps Williams (and I) was being a bit arch when he treated Brando’s future so deterministically. While his life was a chaos, he kept working, including works of acting genius. “Last Tango” may have “broken” him in some ways judging by what he’s said, but still… Brando was probably not divided in himself in quite as drastic a way as Williams thought.
(One might also wonder about Rock Hudson, re Williams’ “thesis” that the closeted individual will go nuts or drive himself to drink, etc. Some find solutions. Why look at Lindsey Graham.)
Lindsey Graham. Ha. Exactly.
I imagine that much of this was just not talked about – you know, Williams and Brando would never have discussed such things. And I agree: Brando certainly gave great performances throughout his life, although he probably wasn’t, how you say, happy. But neither was Williams.
Brando himself said that if men could marry, he would have married Wally Cox. There are certainly theories that he and Wally Cox were in a relationship for years (similar to Cary Grant and Randolph Scott). There’s even a picture floating around of Brando sucking Wally Cox’s d*** (forgive me – but it’s true)!
Williams spoke often of the hostility that he experienced at the hands of closeted men. Montgomery Clift was one. Clift was threatened by Williams’ out-ness, didn’t like it. It was such a dangerous time for gay men – Williams himself was beaten up numerous times.
my friend and I were just talking about this vs A Place In the Sun today! The movie, though — I’ve only seen the movie. There’s a 1970s version with Natalie Wood floating around Youtube that I tried to watch once but I found it too awkward and effortful; I should probably give it another go as it seems a more complete version.
Anyway, I do enjoy the film, despite its occasional clunks — sometimes I can’t tell how much my enjoyment is the text and how much is because of how unfathomably beautiful Taylor and Newman are. I suppose Newman being beautiful is half the point! Gotta read the thing at some point, Stacia’s comment about Brick’s heart being undermined intrigues me. I feel like the opening shot on the track does quite a bit of work for us there (is that in the play?). Anyway, thanks for the great read!
// and how much is because of how unfathomably beautiful Taylor and Newman are. //
I mean, truly. Unfathomable.
The explicit nature of the gay-ness of Brick is soft-pedaled in the movie – that first and essential wound – so explosive and so important to T. Williams – similar to the fact that Blanche’s husband was gay was left out of the film version of Streetcar. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie! I thought Taylor was very good – and Newman as well, who was such a heartthrob.
How I wish I had seen this original Broadway production though, with Gazzara! I went to see a QA with Peter Bogdanovich a couple of years ago and he mentioned having seen Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on Broadway when he was a young man. And he still remembered the blocking – that’s how much of an impression it made. And he said that Gazzara had a way of stealing all the attention on the stage, even if he was just standing there looking out a window. A star was born!
I find it very, very difficult to deal with Newman opposite people like Taylor, Redford, Ross and Neal. It’s too much. And it’s all different moods of beauty, you know? Sodden glamour, romantic hazy grit, sharp charm, world-weariness. He’s just insane. That fuckin moustache in The Sting, I swear.
Love the Bogdanovich anecdote! How lucky you’ve been to see all these people speak!
Anyway. Maybe because reading into things is my MO I do feel like the Skipper situation in the movie comes through pretty loudly. Maybe because it’s so unspoken. I love the way Newman talks about him — he was good, he was pure — it said everything I needed to know about how he configured himself in that relationship. But I’m more interested than ever in seeing how making it spoken changes the vibe and themes.
// Sodden glamour, //
God, yes, that’s so it. His beauty is so out of control – and how awesome that he is also a superb actor. But he USED that beauty – that whole “erotic muse” thing again – even more so than Redford did (although Redford in Way We Were is really really comfortable basically playing what is the stereotypically female role.)
I love Newman best when he’s a rascal. Like in The Sting. Or in Slap Shot, with the plaid pants and the leather coat, with a bandaid on the bridge of his nose.
I really need to watch Cat again – I will!!
And even though Brick’s character was chopped up a lot for the film – Newman knew the original and was playing the original. (Similar to Vivien Leigh playing that Blanche had been married to a gay boy as a young woman – even though that language had been cut.) So you can still SEE it in Newman’s performance … but what ends up happening is that Brick comes off as “just” an alcoholic, and his wife is “just” horny – as opposed to having this big THING in between them – Brick’s love affair with his best friend and how that impacted his life – and his sexuality.
There was a lot of panic in actually speaking out these issues – T. Williams got into trouble with censorship from the get-go – but Broadway was more forgiving than Hollywood. His plays were really challenging to put on-screen because of how explicit they were about sex!
I’ll give it a re-watch – it’s been a while!
My friend Ted and I were just talking on Twitter about the importance of this collaboration between Kazan and Williams: You can really see it here in the back and forth about the play. It was an enormous disagreement (so huge that when the play was eventually published it was published with two versions: the one with Kazan’s suggestions incorporated, and the one that represented how Williams wanted it.). But their relationship survived because Kazan was invested in Williams’s work. Williams felt that. Kazan’s muscularity and clarity helped ground Williams’s plays – and as great as they are, they needed grounding.
Man, that third act is just awkward. I got cast as Gooper in a college production and I just remember feeling abandoned there, on stage (which may have been the point). Tennessee pours his soul into Act of Maggie, pours his soul into Act of Big Daddy, and then, nada for the brother who did everything right or his focus on the family as a whole. You could just feel it.
Scotter- I love your perspective from actually having played poor Gooper!!
I have just discovered your blog, brought here by the Mitford sisters. (Did you know that Debo adored Elvis Presley?) I spent a year reading about them, so I know the fascination. However, I’m responding to this particular post as one who saw “Cat” the movie when I was about 13 and all I understood was alcoholic Brick and his horny wife and Big Daddy who just wants them to produce an heir while he’s still alive to see it. This was about 1961. I’ve never been interested in seeing it again. And then I come across your incredible blog post. I will always regret that I was born too late to see Laurette Taylor as Amanda Wingfield; Vivien Leigh as Lady MacBeth; and now I have to add Barbara Bel Geddes as Maggie The Cat. I remember BBG mainly as poor “sexless” Midge in Vertigo, and the wife to feeds the evidence to the cops in “Lamb To The Slaughter” on Alfred Hitchcock Presents. I always knew she was an incredible actress that the movies never seemed to know what to do with!
Lemora – I think I did know that Debo was a huge Elvis fan – but I can’t remember where I read it. I love that! Why there hasn’t been a gigantic BBC mini series about the Mitfords – I’ll never know. It needs to happen!
and thank you for your thoughts on Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!! I think Cat is one of Williams’ most challenging plays. It’s perfect, in a way – but perfection comes with many challenges. If you don’t get it right, then the play can barely be perceived for what it is. It’s a brutal piece of work – and extremely sexually explicit – and so I think our culture’s prudery in dealing with issues of sex comes out in productions – with Maggie writhing around in “heat”, etc. But of course it’s much more complex than that. She wants and needs a baby. She loves her husband and actually accepts that he’s probably gay – or at least bi – and it doesn’t matter to her. She’s only slept with him. She’s not some floozy! She’s a good girl. THAT’S the key to the character – and it really shows in Kazan’s brilliant choice in casting Barbara Bel Geddes.
I’m with you – I so so wish I could have seen this original production (as well as the others you mention). It sounds like it was incredible. I attended a QA with Peter Bogdanovich and he talked a lot about Ben Gazzara. They were good friends. And he had seen Cat on Broadway – and there he was, years later, describing vividly his reaction to Gazzara onstage. It was very moving.
and welcome! I’m glad you found your way here!
Such a great post. I read it several times. I’m surprised I didn’t comment. I probably think I don’t have much to add. And the comments here are all so great I haven’t gotten to them all!
But Tennessee Williams’ words here are so clear, powerful and poetic too!
And I’m so in agreement with him over Kazan!
From his – rage is not a negative, to how he explains the second act, it has the highest degree of dramatic tension and yeah so what?! How he wants the core of the play to be very hard, like Big Daddy.
I love the Tommy Lee Jones story!
And I love when TW says things are not always explained, situations are not always resolved.
And everything about Barbara Bel Geddes!
I was oddly never drawn to this play. I loved Elizabeth Taylor in the movie, she kicked ass! but didn’t really like anything else. I should of tried to play Maggie in acting class. I knew I was not the type to play sexy Maggie with my build (sort of the other extreme from Bel Geddes) I feared it would just be hysterical and everyone would laugh seeing me coming. But why not have it be hysterical?! And later I realized like Blanche Maggie IS funny! Most of Williams’ women are funny, as he was, when they weren’t freaking out!
Regina – yes, it’s all so interesting isn’t it – the battle between TW and Kazan is … irreconcilable, really – but read as a whole it’s an amazing look at what script analysis looks like – AND that you can have two interpretations. I agree mostly with TW – not just because he’s the author (although yes because of that) – but because it fits with the play – maybe one of TW’s most hopeless plays. Brick, man … Brick is just so depressing and tragic.